My intentions in deviating from ‘the script’


What script? the one that you believe is ‘your life’ for starters.
Then there are all the cultural assumptions. . . programmes that run your life.

This is a process of peeling back what we have been led to believe and what we hold to be true: unwittingly being part of our own cage – of beliefs that limit us, the STUCK that we wake up to each morning hoping it to be better. different in some way – YET . . . .

The qualifiers (your intentions) for involving yourself in this work are:

A thirst for more.
A wish to go beyond what is currently provided
A deep desire to undo YOUR own story.  .
A willingness to change – and to know that the comfort has held you stuck – where now it is too hard to stay there.

We must work on ourselves first, as we were set up for now. Massive clearance/self growth/mastery needed. Experiential – accept that from time to time in these trainings: it is ‘your turn’.

1 – Clearing ourselves, (SELF)
2 – Knitting life ‘story’ differently– allow/acknowledge your own talents/gifts (ALIGNING WITH MISSION HERE)
3 – Banding together with other like-mindeds to be able to serve – as this Light work may by its nature,
(It can be a lonely business). .

We uncover why structural problems may be lingering. Dai Mai – and the GB /Liver tension holding the ligaments hostage – get the extraordinary 8 Extras cleared -all is well again. These energy channels/vessels are the reservoirs of perverse Qi. All else clears – when the body/soul is safe enough to release.

We may have a much needed ‘breakthrough’ – eventuating in massive shifts.
‘Inner rain’ (crying) may also fall.
Towers (beliefs upon all your troubles) knocked down.
Brand new beginnings. . . Setting ourselves FREE!!!

As a woman:
who had no idea what I did not know – till I found Arvigo .. (I thought that I was woman centred – but this was still from the men’s version of formal education – we need to go back to our bodies.. . they bleed and birth and feed our babies.. or we choose/life chooses for this not to be our lives – and still we bleed and have ‘issues; as a direct result of not having been taken through the stages of being woman . .
See more here in this free online course taster.

As an international acupuncture consultant/teacher and course designer:
Over the past 40+ years, I have been creating bridges out of TCM and academic constructs into life centred work that always gets the flows, (thus out of pain all levels).. . flowing. From the Qi (energy) paradigm FIRST
This opens up what all need to know – instructions for the physical were till now missing – hence so many biomedicals say ‘we don’t know’ . . . . Those who are body workers Qi/touch therapists into the real work of realigning us to our bodies.

As an Arvigo Self Care teacher and now a wise elder:
I gift you what we all could have/should have had growing up . . foundational work – as a woman I know it is extremely needed (and my grads can then teach pelvic opening to anyone). This is after they have experienced what happens when we start to liberate what has been stored away – often for generations . . .

As the Gentling Way founder/designer and practitioner teacher/mentor:
To gift what is so simple back to the healing arts and as home help for all.

As a woman
I also live in a body that has picked itself up and carried on – and have stood to assist so many thousands of women directly and so many 100,000’s of women indirectly through my teaching over the past 35+ years – we need to Rise Up!

As a mother:
I know that it is so easy to think – ‘I will sort out out later’. It all catches up with us and we need to get out of relative comfort into growing into our own selves. . . . Change can be at OUR fingertips . .

NOW  IS the ‘LATER’ we all hide behind. .  .

Women’s ways . . . . embodied in our own life experiences

You may have thought that ‘one day’ . . . is it now?

How can you start?

RIGHT NOW: Are you in? Always with SELFING.
The Online component has a hands on – self accountability programme attached . . .
Hands on? – our own. We begin with moving our OWN Qi . . .and lymph and the rest follows. . .

Three packages – What Causes Health, belly self soothing and perineal steaming . .
We start with self (CLICK) at your own pace. As we learn best by doing . . . . . our hands are at our own service FIRST

Let us begin . . .

Undoing what holds us hostage – us and ‘them’ – all of us are constrained – not flowing well.

Anyone anywhere can begin with the paradigm shift and wise women’s ways from many cultures – contained within the ONLINE Selfing (part 1) self paced, informative starter kit. Thus short cuts to health . .
Having that as an alternative life blueprint sets you up for NOT worrying – but taking charge!!!