Answering . . .
Why your body/belly gut
(thus body/life) not happy?
The heart – wombspace meridian . . Bao Mai

The girdle/belt meridian . .
Together and between them – do they flow?
The physical body is your vessel. You live in it. As the expression of your life flows, your mission on earth even – it is dictated to by what is stored there. Shock, unresolved life knocks, shadows of emotional responses, expectations unfulfilled, habitual reactions: all ready for release – when you move past what is holding them in. Touch therapy – and the laying on of hands has been used forever in all traditional cultures.
In the Gentling Way, we allow the release of whatever has been holding the tissues, and the body – hostage. The structural rigidity that screams out ‘help!’ shows up as postural and apparently ‘aging’ changes that you may (or maybe not) be aware of.
Shall we shed/undo blockages to healing?
Working through the Triple Heaters.
Clearing what holds the body hostage.
Gentle visceral alignment
Ensuring optimal lymph flows (damp/phlegm eventual cancers happens if not)
Objective: UNDOING BLOCKAGES – to allow the Qi to flow through a body unimpeded.
Undo trauma – it is stored/stuck/holding the tissues hostage
until we feel safe enough to let it go.
End of 2020
Not the year I thought I would live in.
Now we are not so controlled . . .
Let us start the trainings up again.
Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai
What is the Bao Mai??
I am starting with revision for those who have been in face to face . .
Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Lyttleton (NZ) , Albi (France)
and others – who have signed up for the Gentling Way Transformative Healing package, and anyone who has signed up to go to Living Ligaments I.
We need to bridge the gap – Self Care into asserting perfection the Food Factory .
Onto well nourished ligaments – so they CAN be where they were designed to be – once we free up the bounds that hold. ..
I discovered that it possible to run an experiential hands-on workshop – in 3 locations – me in none of them
In a few weeks, we will be in Rangiora, near Christchurch, whilst many will be with each other – or alone – working the moves, and body of work that is revision for some – and first time – ,
Friday 6th November is what was taken throughout NZ and Australia in 2017-18-19.
If you have done this already with me – please consider doing this again (repeater’s price – $110).
This will allow you into the Free Your Qi challenge, an all the leadup Zooms and pages that are full of links to learn so much more ..
Download the Flyer – this will help you understand what you will be learning
Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai 2020
The threads through out all this work are:
Energy Follows Thought
Structure Determines Function
The body remembers all that has ever happened to it
Flows must flow
The body can heal itself.
We discover the role of lymph, and of ligaments, clearing adhesions and scars on all levels to allow the body to do what it can again.
Working through the heaters
Learn the simple moves the at allow instant clearance to upper body, and link to increase of strength throughout the entire torso.
Soothe and gentle your gut.
Allow previously tight armour bands (creating all that gut distress) to open.
Exit to the outside.
Allow all that needs to flow south to do so easily.
Prerequisite online components
Self Soothing – Belly Calming’
Perineal Steaming
Foundational Moves
Gentling Trauma Relief
Love Your Body Better
What are we doing?
I – Pre workshop Revision Zooms
I – Online revision
Light – Flesh – Fluids – Adhesions – Scars
II – In person (if in NZ)/On Zoom in your area PLUS online pages
II – Actual one day putting it altogether.
With others – in Rangiora, Chch NZ I will be all day – prior to the Living Ligaments I revision. (Sat/Sun)
Here we are doing the workshops as we normally would – although often only with a few people.
This leaves me free to work with others on pods alone or with a few. .
And we will loosely go over P.A.C.E. and Poly Vagal Theory
Onto Accident Recall . .
And the putting it all together – so the body CAN look after itself –
All connected again . .
III – Post day pages of how to and mentoring tutorials
III – With extensive pages online with me with others – showing you how to . .
In class (after online viewing) – we are covering . .
Poly Vagal (fight/flight/freeze)
Accident Recall
And why. .gentling trauma relief . .
Move Your Qi – Lymph, Stuck Liver Qi Release, cupping the navel, moxa usage, sacral wakeups.
After Foundational Moves – online course – (incorporating ‘What Dads Can Do’) we move into the gut.
Diastasis, encouraging perineal flows, untangling the peritoneum, chest and flank gouging, hiatal hernia correction, ileo cecal valve repair, and prostate work – plus the sacral adhesions relief.
Abdominal operation and surgical incursions – how to undo the scars, adhesions – often from life,fall and incidents – and allow the release of the energy/emotional stores left within.
Getting ready for Living Ligaments I Setting the womb free.
(L L I – Repeater fee – $550)
All inclusive in the entire 2020 package – let me know if you wish to join . .).
Structural and visceral and gyne and life improvements – permanent – Living Ligaments I