Welcome – to choice

We acknowledge that we live in a body of Light and energy
When we shift our perceptions – changes happen in the physical
What sets Heather’s Gentling Way apart?
The biomedical model is not the focus
Life and soul are instead
I have been checking out where you may have also – other offerings of womb work.
Most arise from Dr Arvigo’s masters’ works out from Belize to the Western world. Especially the midwifery angle. Thank you Rosita!!!
Dr Jennifer Mercier’s take is entirely different as she went through being a hands on biomedical technician in the A.R.T. industry and then the naturopathic model past the clinical into the personal and out to help others so distressed. Thank you Jennifer!
I was working from the late ’70’s in an urban setting as the only woman natural therapists – and thus was the clearing house for all women who could not see a man in a healing capacity. They also came out of desperation, as prior to the gearing up of pharma retail and lasers/ arthrosocpies, scanning technology and other invasive Sci Fi add-ons, people had to accept what was seen as ‘their lot’.
I did not see limitations. My theme was always – the body heals itself. Where is the blueprint? – shall we go back there?
And set out to find answers to questions that no one else bothered to ask.
Much less accept the sometimes inconvenient answers.

Being womb centric is a shift that may come to you gradually.
Where she is dictates all of a woman’s life as ‘hormones’ that are blamed for so much – are seen as a mansplaining exercise.
from the man’s world – ignore what these messengers have to say.
Quite often: we living a woman’s body know another reality:
I am tired, exhausted, world weary
I have been invalidated by being female
I have been frightened, abused, and yet have to smile my way through life
This would give anyone a case of DIFFICULT!
LIFE centred
We ask different questions
We respect life and its flows
Thus we come to very different answers/solutions

We know that we have been gifted a body.
We are here for a set amount of time
That we have had plans to be here in form – at this time
That we are called – as you have been to even reading this.
To Rise Up and step forwards into soul purpose
The past – is still with us.
We carry it around
The body WILL heal itself – when it is respected enough to be listened to.
Thus – the Gentling Way is whatever YOU need it to be – and this changes.
As you do

What is so different about me?
(And possibly you . . .)
In my travels in this plane, over the past nearly 70 years – (see more on this journey here), I have discovered much that has not made much sense. Asking a question and being fobbed off/told to accept has never been possible. I can’t let it be. This has set me apart. Gotten me into ‘trouble’ and even called ‘mad’ – by those who are comfy asleep. Not me.
Not being able to move forwards till the answer shows up. 45+ years in dedicated service to suffering and finding answers when all others give up. (And tell you to also).
There are ways of knowing. Some of us listen to the beat of a different drum.
We are guided – and cannot accept what shuts most up/down/to comply.
We know – are imprinted with a different beingness.
We also learn – and embody what has worked – can not be denied.
Others may be happy with being told. By often many – and forcefully – and ‘believe’ in the written word. Some of us hear life and follow Nature. . .here you find yourself – in a loose tribe of those who see the Light.
We are all of the Light.
Some may have forgotten – see more on the 7 ‘L’s’ here
All are one.
Energy Follows Thought
As you believe, so it is. .
The path will open for you
As you choose to be.
How do you ‘know’ anything?
(Who is ‘I’?)

Where does thought originate?
Whose is it?
Who does it serve – to ‘believe’ what someone says?
Maybe ask yourself – does it work?
Who is ‘I’?
Traveling down a path that at the time LOOKED like the best option – may now need revisiting.
Do you want to . .
Even walk in that direction?
There are so many others. . .
Flows MUST flow

To be alive
We have to be free.
To be
As designed.
STUCK slows flows and eventually stagnates enough to fester, wither and die.
Be it dreams, visions, ideas or the actual physical body you are here to experience LIFE in.
Your Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It
Residue – stored till you can deal – and when you do not take the time to heal/change/let go – it will choose the time for you – and this will show up after often decades of whisperings – getting ever louder. Till you are sidelined – a ‘terminal’ diagnosis – (forgetting that life is – and has a limit to how long – and how well you are here. . ).
The label ‘P.T.S.D.’ is made for medications and people to interface with you – as long as you wish to play that game.
Possibly you need – as many cultures had – a shaman, wise man/woman to lead you back to yourself.
The ‘wounds’ of life as being your badges of honour – you HAVE lived and well.
No constant/life long battle scars needed .
gif of mediation images – the coming and going of crud

Others call stuck by various labels . .
See more on STUCK Liver Qi here.
STUCK – is simply that which is not processed yet.
Maybe start your flows flowing – by moving . .
Ideas – your body, your ‘life’ goals .
STUCK (‘trauma’) part of self that needs something that has not been presented yet

INGREDIENTS – the Life Recipe applies .
We need
To breathe,
Be hydrated,
Feel and be safe,
Be Outside,
Be Touched,
Have a reason to be here
Be nourished – soul, heart and body
The last on the list is ‘food’ – yes – needed as fuel, and repair:
AND prior to that the flows flowing so life is possible are to be addressed.
We have life residue.
Reminders of being here and having experienced.
When we allow change /healing – stuff is let go.
It may surprise you.
Structure Determines Function
Are you aligned? Adhesions, scars and fascial distortions may make life in your current state tricky.
Viscera are designed to slide and glide over each other – can they?
A huge distraction and easy to fix. . ARE YOU ALIGNED IN LIGHT?
OR have you – been seduced . . ? It is so easy to feel as though what is STUCK is ‘you’ ..
Check in – Soul – Heart – Body

Your Body Heals Itself
When it is aligned – and you are in charge – still sovereign.
When all ingredients are bio available – not only in your body – but are seen, and can be utilised.
When the flows are flowing – and the wastes on all levels are released appropriately and when all to support, nourish, enhance the life process can get to where they are supposed to be . .

How else is Heather’s Gentling Way different from Maya (Arvigo) and Mercier themed work?
Men Matter
We work with men – deeply.
Why? They are half the world.
They have women’s bodies – altered for purpose.
Everything that affects a woman, affects a man.
Everything that affects men, effects the world
Every upset that happens due to modern life – is anti/counter health.
Body burden, structural alterations – from life incidents – all play their part in distressing the blueprint.
Heather’s Gentling Way restores the cellular memories
allowing the body to go back to where it would have if . . . .
Flows had always flowed
Shall we explore what broke your life trajectory?
If you wish to start with online self paced courses SOME are here
If you wish to know the best way out of the programmes you may be presently STUCK in . . perhaps contact me directly?