Heather Bruce

How did I cope when all around me . .

(What kept me going)
Likely an awareness that this is not all there is and I can’t guarantee that things could be vastly worse if I pretended I could get away with NOT BEING GOOD – I wonder if this is why kids are sent to Sunday School?
Seems to be a hard habit to break.

Never believed that being here was all there was. 

Not a matter of wake up/do stuff/ go to bed. .

  • Having already tried to kill myself at 3+ years old, I always knew I was here for the long haul.
    (I got rescued)
  • To just get on with it.

Just knew I was to.
Always different

  • Never accepted as being the same.
    Or being accepted.
    Or being part of what was happening.
    Always a loner.

My own company was safer.
Worked things out for myself.

Always the right answer popped in.

  • Always knew to be the aligned one. To hold the space
  • Things just happened – now looking back – always the right place and at the right time.
  • Suspect that I was placed and was looked after.
  • Belief that I was OK – Pollyanna.
  • Always rise to the top
  • Always kept going. (No ‘give up ‘ button).

Always aligned to what to do

A strong sense of self . .

  • Not ego – but of being.
    Always headed off in the other direction to where anyone else was.
  • Not to look for answers from others.
    or in being the same
  • Keep spiritual nose clean – do unto others.
    Some idea of ‘karma’ and of needing to be clear of drugs/alcohol/ouija boards etc,
  • Nature – always with plants and in forests and growing things.
    Gardening has always kept me together.
  • Read a lot. Avid reader – of apparently ‘out there’ info.
  • Learning new things
  • Asking ‘odd’ questions and finding out ‘why?’ Doing good/being helpful . . Being of service

When being Skye’s mum

  • When younger – having to – for the kids – to supply them with stability.
  • Deep sense of gratitude that all the support was in place – not in the physical necessarily.
  • Found the ways and knew they were the right ones when they happened
  • Asked for (and saw) help when it came.
  • Enough clarity to be discerning.

Since then

  • Antakarana meditation – (I have no idea how anyone copes being here without that)
  • Aura Soma and being present and alert/conscious.

Blessed Be


The usual looking CV . . .

See it here

Basically a travel through starting in formal education in 1973

in Sociology Education and Psychology and deviating into acupuncture
Acupuncture training ongoing. Whilst from 1981 designing and writing courses all levels.

Herbalism – Western and vibrational and eventually Chinese

Natural living – inspired by being a mum.

Touch therapies –

Energy healing
Soul healing
Integrating self – undoing life residue – via experiential workshops.

The beginning of your transformation may well be in the Self Care package.
The next step?
Self Discovery . . .
If you are keen and an energy healer /acupuncture worker –

the Transformative Healing package may be your start (it includes the above).