Welcome . .
Occasionally we get the urge to change everything – if this is YOU – please grab the opportunity as I will not be passing this way again – 2023 is the end of me teaching in person – I am handing over to my graduates, who over these times of trial by fire we have been a tribe of mutual support. Now letting the ripples out to all who seek to be of service in a more holistic, woman and woman centred way.
You know that you have options. Stay where you are or grow.
CHOICES – to stay in trauma/STUCK
This body of work is in three parts
1 – Content – online.
Covers the paradigm shifts – energy/electrical and soulful channelling.
The deluxe version (2023 – INTENSIVE IMMERSION) has you in a study pod with study buddies – who may be ideally close so you can support as caring humans, and practice the moves on each other and work as a team, but could be set far apart in this wide world we live in together.
2 – Practical – we need to embody through personal experience. Must feel all of this on yourself and what happens with such gentle body with breath/subtle touch encouragement. Often transformation of all (that regardless of your best intention) has stayed STUCK untl now.
What comes up must have been made different sense of – hence the Antakarana/silver cord and soul intention aspects in all the content.
What you do with it\
3 – Application – Self first – the Gentling Way takes YOU through YOUR stuff first – for YOU to become a less reactive/clearer channel for you to be of service. We all have been ‘Bonsaiied’ to be here – and those apparently broken bits are your gift. Once judgment (whose) is lifted. Energy follows Thought. This begins with signing in here and getting the full beginner’s package see more here. This includes the paradigm shifters – life as though we were energy – as we are only GIFTED the body we currently reside in.
START – Selfing Intensive
NEXT – Reconnecting our heart and wombspace emerges as the next big experience to master.
We are not car mechanics. Whilst the moves will stun you in their simplicity and their instant usability, the Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It. Thus whether the moves/‘work’ done can ‘stick’ or, as with almost all else most of us try – it slips back – is dependent on the foundation and the intentions of the being who stands/lies before on a massage bed/table is wanting help.
R.I.C.E. Responsibility, Intention, Commitment, Empowerment
Whose? Initially mine is to create clarity for you. Transferred to you – what you make of it.
How we know anything
1 – Encoded
2 – Embodied
OR – we can live by another’s realty . .
We ignore what ‘we’ inherently know – choose to go with the gang/tribe set it aside: Live under enslavement?
TO be here you must want to break FREE – which is why we start with a paradigm shift (into my life’s work in energy living/East Asian /acupuncture and what works as a woman in a woman’s body).
3 – Someone said/told us/is ‘common knowledge’
4 – It is written/lots of people are adamant that reality is how it has been laid down.
Your soul force (top circle) has guided you here

You need your BODY (bottom circle – the temple you inhabit))
to be as resilient/vital as possible
In Heather’s Gentling Way we follow traditional cultures knowings to ensure this.
Once ‘we’ (‘middle circle’/personal self) can move out of the way – what ‘we’ ‘know’, the better What has to be shifted within us?
It helps if we are desperate for change.
We may feel as though we have done everything – and yet still we seek.
Whether as you are a student of life, a mum who is after real change in responsibility for her flock and wider community, someone who knows that this is their new path, a clinician wanting to rekindle passion, or a sufferer who wishes a different life experience unshackled from what holds them back . ..
It all begins with ourselves.
Why has that person come into your space/consciousness?
Ideally you have had a light switch on – and you KNOW (it is encoded) that this id the way forwards at the moment.
Once this path is started – there is no turning back. Your soul force (top circle) will guide you.

Follow the steps as if crossing a river and the steppingstones are placed in an orderly fashion to guide you. Each one requires a leap of faith for you to be in an instant committed to forwards, yet not rooted in the past.
Selfing | Touchie | Birthie | Pricklie | |
Beginning | Self Care | Self Care | Being Woman | First Aid |
Intermediate | Self Discovery | Reconnecting | Normal | Home Help |
Practitioner | Self Evolving | Living Ligaments | Effective healing | Energy A & P |
2023 – is here – before I have completed scheduling courses online and in person as the training of the teachers and apprentices has taken precedence. To attend the practical classes, you MUST have done the online foundational work. This will begin massive shifts in your own, your friends’ and your patients/clients lives.
It all is transferable – across all ages and stages of life. Body/energy/life alignment
Over the decades, many acupuncturists have followed my progress in international conferences. They also have had access to my past video library of advanced ways of healing. Some online platforms have had my work (see eLotus here). You may have met me there.
Whilst getting ready in 2007 to work with two overseas online acupuncture platforms, I observed myself as others would to get a systemised approach – in the process changing so many lives. I simplified what I was doing in clinic to fit what I would teach.
DECLUTTER – take out what is not supposed to be there. (Then the body CAN heal itself as designed)
RESET – Body can go back to blueprint. To repairing itself.
RESTORE – the plan as was intended – if we give it new instructions.
That is part of the SELFING – reprogramming
My signature system – anyone can use these – MOVING BLOCKAGES TO HEALING You can take this at any time.
(and that of those around you) Course descriptions
No experience needed.
You do need an intention to do good.
Whether you are a ‘touchie’ (hands on) practitioner of health services or not.
I gently lead you through – clearing the cold that is stored within, the tension, trauma that is lodged and creating recurrences – regardless of your and other’s best efforts. YOU may wish to only take one course – here is my suggestion – relieve PAIN – return flows to flowing.
Part of the beginner’s pack includes this – which are the short cuts to my hands on body awareness that vastly improves all life flows – hence you lose why things are STUCK – hence no need for PAIN!!
Foundational Moves (CLICK to access instantly)
The gems from my highly successful decades of clinical practice
What is in the Foundational Moves package?
What you will find there includes how to . . .
1 – Clear what is causing pain and discomfort.
2 – Move lymph (body’s waste products)
Through head, chest, flanks, diaphragm, pelvis
3 – Cup out the cold stored within (Use raw moxa/ginger to retrieve the OOOOHHPPPMM in the body)
4 – Gua Sha – spooning – another take out the cold/stuck trauma)
5 – Undo all structural distress by NOT working in the local area, but away from it.
6 – All prostate (above the pubic bone externally) moves to clear male troubles including resistant back aching.
7 – Use moxa sacral fan in all weathers to alleviate lowerback and sciatic troubles: creating delicious resolution of most pelvic woes.
ALL the gems from my practice (minus needles) before I embarked on the Arvigo/Maya/Mercier adventures.
This leads you into Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai, Pricklies First Aid – esp Triage and Stuck Belly Blood and Effective Healing After C – Sections and other Surgical Incursions modules. On then to womb aligning – Living Ligaments
Seriously easy – YOU can help yourself and especially anyone else around you who is STUCK and in pain .
You may only want this.
it WILL transform your life and practice .. .
AND do you perhaps want a lot more?
See here
The beginner’s pack includes a lot more than is normally available in bits. . .
What might this hold – for you?? A change in life direction .. . START NOW BUTTON
SELFING INTENSIVE – so YOU are now the priority in YOUR life – online version only – or the intensive with others encouraging seeing your life to date from very different eyes and reframing all so you fit better in it – and what is to come. If you wish to be involve din touching and helping others here is the starter – and you get it all and so much more if you act NOW as we start beginning August to catch up on my being in the northern hemisphere. INTENSIVE IMMERSION

Womb realignment – restore normal to every body
When I began the Arvigo training (2014) – a whole new world awoke within me and my work
I had always been seen as a ‘too hard basket’/’hopeless’ case worker – finding solutions missed by others. Because I combined modalities and left no stone unturned as I did not accept limitations. Maybe you also push boundaries?
In 2016, my finding Mercier training allowed extensive remodeling of how I worked – taking her work into deeper reaches. Beyond female reproduction – into everyone’s structure – determining HOW A BODY CAN EXPRESS LIFE ITSELF.
I reconnected with all I had been taught in my unique acupuncture classes that were themselves multi lineage/modality/dimensional (or me at least). Bound up in the tangle of emotional STUCK – otherwise called by others TRAUMA – See more here
1 – Being Woman? Period questions? FREE course link to see if you like the style . . .
2 – Scars getting in the way of the Qi flows?? ($US 27 taster)
Perhaps learn how a well woman’s body works – and how to return yours’ there.
3 – Selfing online component takes you through to the paradigm shift into the energy/Qi that governs the physical.
4 – Pregnant – or know someone who has not found answers to easy living whilst pregnant?
We MUST start with our own self and our current soul journey
To be here you know that you are more than a body, and not bound to your personality or past – no limitations besides your beliefs.
These modules are sequential – regardless of your past training (formal and life). The gaps we all have as cracks that are widening in the chasm between our programming and our own lived experience – must be somehow made different sense of.
Some modules are stand-alone self paced online offerings
In time GW graduates will be stepping up to take the teaching online/in-person classes
We all deepen our understanding of being on the planet as we go through this process, and within (Paradigm shifting)
Free Your Own Qi – becoming aware of how easily we can change how we feel.
Selfing putting US first. Undoing how we got ourselves in the current tangle. Access to traditional perspectives, skills and tools
Discovery – uncovering why we are ‘what’/who’ we believed we were into. Undoing our programming/life residue
Reconnecting – Our own and then assisting others with their Heart/wombspace (Bao Mai to Dai Mai) blockages to freely sliding and gliding fascia, viscera by releasing adhesions, scars and why the organs and structure are held hostage. This MUST be completed prior to womb work – and explains why often other forms of good intentioned treatments are yet to ‘work’. Sequence? Clear blockages to healing
Introductory | Immediate | Resources | Delivery | You will gain? | Where next? |
I – BEING WOMAN free – click to take | Entry – including – Are we a good fit? | New paradigm to live as woman | Immediate start online/self paced | New perspectives of life, and being here | Live life YOUR way – FREE |
II a – SELFING online ($197)is deduced if going to workshop | What Causes Health? Soothing/Peristeaming “Living As Energy” | 3 easy courses, with posters, videos & prompts | Immediate start online only/self paced – | An awareness of how to look after yourself – in health | Can add into the workshop/challenge (Fun in relating) |
II b – SELFING class & Challenge ($550) | Entry into a closed FB group for sharing after bonded workshop | Freeing Yourself posters/eBooks 2023 version: has temporarily more | In person or Zoom intimate related workshop | A sense of inclusion, community, tribe. | Up to you |
TOUCHIE | ******************* | ***************** | ***************** | ***************** | |
FREE YOUR (OWN) QI Package TO COME | Triage – Rescue Your Self)/Pricklies First Aid, Foundational Moves | 3 interactive practical courses, videos & prompts | Immediate start online – stepped through to LIFE | Self awareness/help – take charge of any situation | SELFING Online only pathway PELVIC OPENING |
FREE taster – to see if you gel – What If Something Goes RIGHT?

This ONLINE pack has my partners of pregnant women manual What Dads Can Do and the 2 videos – Massage and Birthing – WDCD and the 20+ worksheets (cheat sheets – print these out and laminate for birthing suite if needed) plus a small handbook on nourishing and sustaining an easy pregnancy. (Including what to do to handle a pregnancy loss).
Easy Pregnancy Resources ONLINE ONLY $97
Add on Easy Pregnancy Solutions – eBooks extra – $50
Practical childbirth education – for self, others, professional & teaching others
We begin with the life givers. These courses include the resources.
And those who assist new humans to begin their independent path. Nourishing/supporting pregnancy plus What Dads Can Do, plus 2 videos of self help and the charts to print and use as cheat sheets all through pregnancy/birth
You need to start with Selfing. This gives you the Qi paradigm shift, plus basic self care guidance that will become your basis
All these beginning courses are sequential leading into the working with/on others work.
We start with SELF – unpacking what we ‘bring to the table’ and carry around weighing US down FIRST.
TOUCHING | Immediate | Resources | Delivery | You will gain? | Where next? |
Pregnancy/Birthing | Sign in to begin | All have extensive | Demos/practical | Intended outcomes | Class sequence/ changes expected |
PELVIC OPENING – Painless Pregnancy /Bonded Birthing | All of the above COMING SOON | As above PLUS Easy Pregnancy Resources / Solutions | In a bonded hands-on group led by GW teacher/Heather | Appreciation of easy helpers to restore normal for easy | If not completed – SELFING |
includes WDCD ($147) ONLINE ONLY Easy Preg Solutions | Online – anyone can + practical online | WHAT IF SOMETHING GOES RIGHT? sign in for free taster here | Instant online download | Empowerment/ understanding | Liberation – birth independence |
******************* | ***************** | ***************** | ***************** | SELFING | |
BIRTHKEEPERS NSW Offered when US & AU teachers set them | Online modules above completed | Above PLUS teaching training manuals & personal attention | Specific hands-on + group led by GW teacher/Heather | Confidence/ ability to return to the life blueprint | SELFING/ SELF DISCOVERY/ RECONNECTING |
WDCD PLUS BIRTH KEEPER’S VERSION All of above PLUS COMING SOON – As above | Dedicated training into how to teach /be present with H’s GW. | 1 – Pregnancy through energy lens/ 2- Preg + 3 – Pricklies 1st Aid | Specific hands-on group led by GW teacher/Heather | Extensive multi modality ways to enhance/restore/ easy maternity | Above plus EFFECTIVE/HOLISTIC HEALING AFTER SURGERY |
******************* | ***************** | ***************** | ***************** | ||
DEDICATED PATH | You can’t NOT do | All you can absorb | H is handing over | Work actively – self | PASSION/LIGHT |
LIVING LIGAMENTS I – womb woes to womb wonders | The pinnacle: relieving pelvic/ structural/woes | Extensive online multimedia resources | + online classes, pref in person with a GW graduate | Deepening/undoing own life residue towards clarity | Assisting anyone with any condition – flows now flowing. |
Basics are now | tweaked/polished, | honed/delightfully | for your continued | engagement |
Pricklies – Whether you are intending, or already using needles – the scar work – plus undoing the Stuck Belly Blood is essential
When we release/shift what is blocking the body healing itself – maybe. . . once making better maternal beginnings/easy babies/happier families naturally is completed – we will venture through the life cycle as pelvic freedom warriors. BEING WOMAN (all born of) FIRST
As a Qi Mover, a belly worker, a structural or birth worker – it is all the same.
Flows must flow.
The body remembers everything that has ever happened to it.
Structure determines function.
The body heals itself. If we move through the energy following through and out onto the Light.
Start now – online – can be working on YOU NOW
practicals with HEATHER
We begin with ourselves as we carry OUT OWN STUCK (TRAUMA) around with us.
Let us not muddy the energy when we seek to help others. . .
I – Being Woman free – Sign in here
II a – SELFING online ($US197) Sign up here
II b – SELFING class & Challenge ($AU550) Sign up here
WHAT IF SOMETHING GOES RIGHT? sign in for free taster here READY FOR YOU NOW
PELVIC OPENING – Painless Pregnancy /Bonded Birthing ($550) COMING SOON
New students have the opportunity NOW to sign in and be part of this with me as the last time I teach 2024 –
New beginnings for me
Pelvic opening – Birth easy . . this will be up by end of September, as the new teachers in USA emerge.
2023 – gives you time to get in order – the Selfing and Self Discovery plus online touchie components
Steps . . .
1- online immediate access.
2 – Practical/Zoom or in person practicals PLUS
3 – After group/practical support
Actual practical workshops – coming through out the year – USA (Sept and onging) – FNQ (Nov and ongoing)

IN ADDITION – food? Fueling life?
LIFE essentials – what and why and where – Life support . .
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