Me listening to everything that came to me.
And fitting it in for the NOW we all inhabit.

Me wanting more . .
Always asking different questions.
NOT being happy with what I found – and seeking to get to the root of everything
My passion
Untangling that which holds the structure and thus function hostage.
Assisting others to Wake Up on all levels – that they may also shine their lights on the world they live within.
Why I developed the Gentling Way
- After a lifetime of assisting others (having heard their stories of woe, or medical forcing and of that not working, and of all those decades of dispensing care and tending /touching people’s bodies and souls: deeply, the Gentling Way was birthed.
- Always a hands-on worker, I discovered that the more gentle, less pressure, the more profound the result.
- From 1981, designing acupuncture colleges and courses post graduate in all hard areas (infertility prior to IVF clinics – and now after the sperm debacle when almost NONE are fertile), AIDS – prior to medications, cancer – when chemo etc have failed – and difficult/’high risk’ pregnancy and post surgical repairs, I am well versed at being the last in the long line of people who have had maybe one piece of your healing puzzle. To put ALL the pieces on the table – right side up.
See more on how this came about by looking at my development as a person/woman/mother/clinician over the decades here
Why gentle?
By the time people see me – or even ask for help = there has been a long line of distress – both to them becoming STUCK, and also – not finding answers that fit – YET. All seems to be forcing – that leaves even ore STUCK (my word for blocked – thus not allowing flows/ circulation – thus eventual trauma.
The 6 ‘T’s:
Temptation – to hand over responsibility to those who have a story about knowing more – either the culture says (e.g. anyone ‘medical’, older and thus ‘wiser’. . . They likely benefit from you NOT getting free of what blocks you – all the while appearing/being credible
Tension – any state where flows can’t flow – gets the Liver Qi (energy) out of sorts, leading to secondary blockages and disruption – anything that is worse through your being ‘stressed’ qualifies – also your being ‘nice’/putting on a brave/happy face – not being honest.
Temperature – We all stay well when kept within survival limits – homeostasis. Anything that overcomes our innate ability to stay within the lines – will disrupt all the protective thus Yang Qi functions and give rise to pandemonium within.
Torpor – a state almost to hibernation – borrowed here as it explains not only the sluggishness from over use of COLD that only belongs to dead people – but when paralysis happens due to shock/trauma stuck and damp – as that obstructs flows so very well – leading to lymph not flowing and the wastes building up . .and blocking all else.
Trauma – Flows – circulation – blocked. STUCK in the past . . .
Toxins – anything unnaturally unintended /life affirming that blocks normal nutrient pathways – and disrupts the usual life of a cell within the body. Coming in from any source – often bequeathed – passed down through in the making of the baby’s body via mum’ and dad’s own inner body burdens. These contaminants are increasingly added into the biosphere with no consideration for outcomes – and thus we live in a life that we were not intended for. Inner detox pathways are shown their distress giving every more interesting/weird/novel ways of ‘cracking up’. Inner toxins are involved also – as we fester emotionally – need to look at the ’causes’ of health . .
And go with flowing /release and loving living FUN . . .
So much is a combination of all of these. . hence when you do ONE thing and it does not ‘work’ – perhaps ponder – what is it you are attempting to shift? And how long has your body tried to warn you?
Are you living according to the Life Recipe?
As the ancient Chinese scribes taught – the Way of the Tao? – following nature. . . and her cycles.
Cancer is only one of these – the auto immune and total body disruptions now a wholesale experiment is happening – on all levels – and thus we need to hold the line (self/non self – nourishing/destructive) – and we as clean to allows as much clarity as is possible.
THUS the Gentling Way
Gradually, respectfully and at the body’s pace
Let go . . .