· Boulder College of Massage Therapy Certified 2004
· CIYT Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher 2015
· Certified Quantum Healing Practitioner 2020
Trainings in various massage modalities including:
- Myofascial Release from a Hellerwork Perspective: Upper and Lower extremities
- Usui Shiki Reiki
- Maya Abdominal Therapy with Rosita Arvigo in the jungles of Belize – Certification, Prenatal, labor, and postpartum massage & Spiritual Healing
- Birth doula
- CranioSacral Therapy (Upledger Institute)
- Lymphatic Drainage (Upledger Institute)
- Visceral Manipulation (Barral Institute)- Visceral Listening (Ursula Popp)
- Transpersonal Hypnotherapist 2018
- Quantum Healing Practitioner 2021
Thea’s Story
As a young woman I suffered from painful periods, migraines, and chronic low back pain resulting from a car accident at the age of 11 which caused severe damage to my spine, face, and teeth. The subsequent “treatments” that I was subjected to by modern medicine and dentistry did little to improve the situation and, in fact, likely made things worse. I pursued (and became skilled in) so-called alternative therapies – massage, yoga, and energy healing. All of these were effective and helpful in their own way. But it was the teachings of Rosita Arvigo, Nicole Gayle, and Heather Bruce that have helped to crystalize these various practices into an integrated whole.
What I have discovered is we are not purely a physical body. We are multidimensional beings and can access unlimited amounts of healing in this very moment.
I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and proud owner of Solar Womb. My mission is to help women awaken to the True Power of their wombs (whether you have your physical womb or not).
Self-care starts with body literacy. Body literacy is the first step to having control over your own health and wellness. This requires a basic understanding of female reproductive anatomy and uterine positions (signs, symptoms, and causes of a displaced uterus). Structure determines function and the flows (venous, arterial, nervous, lymph, and Qi) must flow if you want to obtain optimal health. I teach these basics, as well as sacred tools such as abdominal massage, pelvic steaming, castor oil packs, and yoga therapy. Once blockages are removed and the body is provided with proper ingredients, it can start to heal itself.
Beyond the physical, the womb is a potent source of creation. I help my clients create a new consciousness within their womb in order to transcend the traumas or limitations of the past. My wish is for every woman to connect to the sovereign power that resides within their womb (or the energy that remains there). My offerings – Quantum Healing, Solar Activations, and Inner Masculine Alchemy – all provide ways to tap into that power.
I offer my services both in-person and online. Find me at theasatrom.simplybook.me to schedule an individual session or package of sessions. Have questions? Not sure where to start? Book a free initial consultation.
Why I chose the Gentling Way
Since recently meeting Heather, I am motivated to take my health fully into my hands to come into complete sovereignty. The Gentling way is like a beautiful lotus opening, providing the care my body has craved this entire lifetime. Once I get the toxicity out, and the right ingredients in, it can blossom. Simple. I look forward to doing the selfing techniques as they provide clarity, care and release and touch on places and spaces that have been in darkness are now coming to light. Heather is an absolute wealth of knowledge around the traditional wise woman ways that have been lost. It is common sense and needs to be remembered and applied. I cannot express the relief and gratitude I feel having found her, as I return to what wise women (including my own inner knowing) have always known. Her courses are thorough and can be done at your own speed. There’s so much to learn including pulling the cold out, moxa, castor oil packs, scar tissue care, abdominal massage, gua sha and bringing proper minerals like magnesium and iodine into the body so it can function optimally. Thank you, Heather, for all you do to make this world and our bodies a better place.

Thea Hornbache
1002 Eileen Ct, Decorah, IA 52101, USA
Telephone 303-913-6326
Book an appointment