Stuck Liver Qi Release

A basic . . . to be alive there is movement


To be and to feel vibrant) your Qi must flow easily


This is very aspect of all you are. From thoughts through to poo.

Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) is what gives your physical body the instructions and ability to be here.

Your body relies on your Liver Qi  flowing.


All of who, and how you are is dependent on your Qi moving freely.



What upsets our Liver Qi?


Feeling and not expressing, otherwise called stress’ in Western culture.

Emotional blockages are caused by bottled resentment, anger and a festering sense of unfairness.

Stressed, we then block normal flow.

We gradually get bound up.

Aches and vague feelings gradually solidify into more substantial blockages to flows of lymph, and blood eventually becoming more physical growths and on into  cancers.

This may take years of internal dialogue and self-abuse. OR it may be sped up with it additional loads of pollutants in the air, water, soil and this food we replenish ourselves with.


The Liver Qi needs good Blood to nourish it and to be working well.

This circular nature and interdependence of the body is seen in this model.

Any aspect of health and illness will show up also as how we feel and how we are – depressed or energetic – and this all comes back to the expression of the Shen and the start of the Blood energy and whether or not the Liver Qi is moving all through well. A healthy liver energy means you express yourself. ANGER When blocked, anger rises and creates more dramas.

Qi flows in spaces. Lymph congestion – from not moving about – clogs it up.

All of you feels disordered – see the Liver Qi then Stuck Liver Qi sections.

Pain happens on any and every level when it  can not.

The diaphragm – allows us breath.
Also – all muscles, all flows, all life – relies on the Liver Qi moving
When it is stuck, slowing it down, upset – the body follows into chaos.



Feeling Stuck/helpless in your own life?

This is flows not flowing

  • Digestion
  • Circulation
  • Menstrual;
  • Being told that you are being  ‘hormonal’.
  • Changes in emotions and all aspects of life – with moodiness and digestive and skin irritations.
  • Vague aching or bloating are characteristic.

What it looks/feels like:


Movement and exercise can help – you get back to here



What the Liver meridian /flow of energy covers

Liver_BodyThis may explain most/all of your woes . .

When you are STUCK . . .


Often diagnosed as different body bits – including endometriosis.


Maybe see what you can do to help yourself?

Always – add more magnesium – topical is best . .
At least 10 times daily – at least on all your sore bits – and on your buttocks/hips as that way broken hips will not plague you in your older life – and all upsets – especially emotional and digestive PLUS all pain will be eased.

Beginnings of the challenge . .

Stuck Liver Qi Release