Making Babies

Simply put – that is what sex is for

If this is not happening for you – please go to The Natural Fertility Detective.
Start with HEALTH – in the Live Well package

Fertility is a measure of how well you are. ‘Fertility’ programmes may miss this.
Babies are made by two people.
If he is missing – then the best you can do is hope that the donor sperm is good enough – and given how wrong the sperm parameters are now – I am not so sure.

Until you are well – avoid an accidental conception – you want to make the best.
It is a little like prefixing an event with ‘wedding’ – expect a different ride.

You both need to be remarkably well to be fertile.
My definition may be a little different to anyone elses’.

Join up for the programme to see just how much work you may need to put in.”Better still – organise to come in and see me for the Deluxe event . . Both of you having a make over health wise – along with the Mercer and the Arvigo work on both of you I will ensure that you can keep the healthy habits through sending you off with my three foundational home help courses, running you through what you need to do to heal yourselves.

Many have successfully made babies naturaIly. Your health needs attention.
You can change the result – baby can only be made once.

Perhaps invest in the Women’s Healing kit and these will be part of the deal when you are also seeing me for the Baby readiness programme was we can do – acupuncture and whatever else you are having one is not the first step – ensuring the pelvic area is functional is.

My Pelvic Opening work was first developed in the practical hands-on childbirth education programme, birthing – ‘What Dads Can Do’ – as I have enriched it into the Gentling Method.


Declutter, Reset and Restore  ..wellness.
See what we can do together!