We are not in a never ending story. In finite time – be there if you can be – and are called within to do so.
This was written in 2023 when in Iowa, USA for their summer. I am now offering woman led red tenting – small group – apprentices if you wish
The offer now? 2 spots left. Max 6 in the class – and some are not even in the Southern Hemisphere – no one is local to me.
Heather’s Gentling Way is not for everyone. . .

The entire focus of my last 45 years has been to undo what is blocking healing – This is the time when everybody’s lives are shaken up. There is rapid change. We all know and feel in our bones that deep shifts will continue We are living in interesting times – the ones the Chinese would have said in the past as a course (‘may you live in interesting times’). What we make of this is our choice – and we all may need to drop pretense and get real.
Heather’s Gentling Way is not a set of moves, but a way of life.
In so doing, the life residue that has been stored for later, may well surface (the Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It). As Energy Follows Thought – as as you believe, so it is . . . and these more than anything are what causes STUCK – and ‘trauma’ is born.
What is STUCK causes pain. Any level – converts to all pain
When anyone starts doing this work, they have to move through their own STUCK to do so. Stored for later – ‘put behind me’ – comes up for clearance. That is the attraction – a part of Self knows It Is NOW time. Usually it means they come up to resistances and they do not work with the process of inner clarity evolving – unintended outcomes.

I have noticed whilst teaching from 1981, and from being in clinic helping people work through what has stopped them in their tracks, that their life work gets hurried up. It is as though everything they were to do in a standard lifetime telescopes. It all happens in a couple of years. Acceleration – to get past what I have called ‘patient mode/stasis’ (STUCK). Having accidents, job losses, leaving partners and all sorts of life hiccups – apparently unforeseen. Odd and constant sometimes – one crisis to another Growth? Maybe. Or victimhood /martyrdom. . .CHOICE. The opportunities to drop personality games and start in on what they came here to do gives more choices. . If they were stuck in their lives – (not on a inner growth path) this undoing blockages to healing also undoes the way forwards – CHANGE will happen.
It should not have happened’ is a tale of woe – as people live in a parallel world to what is.
Their LIFE as well as their body is STUCK, their thoughts, emotions, beliefs are stuck. To function correctly, (for a body to heal itself).
Flows Have to Flow. How can a body repair itself as designed to STUCK is there?
The message is pain – on any level – to reflect the STUCK on any level.
Please see the word ‘trauma’ for all times you see STUCK . . . Until we move the blockages to healing on.
We’ve all got no idea what we are called here to do. We may need to transcend rescuing. We do that by turning ‘rescuing’ in on ourselves Self first. . It seems everyone wants to do the technique, and that’s great but it’s going to have unintended consequences if you don’t set up the boundaries. I call them checkers; so you need to know: where you were?
Intention – what’s your intention what’s their intention?
What needs to move before that can happen?
Resolve trauma? STUCK.
And it’s stuck because it’s too hard to move through it. As up till now – you chose not to. Too comfy. (Relative to doing the work). Till it all gets too hard. And it is easier to NOT stay STUCK. Life prompts you along. You get a stroke or shingles in your eye or you hit the floor from the stairs or you get a cancer diagnosis – and you’re not going anywhere until you get everything in the right order. Out of perceived limitations FIRST is the easiest way.You then may see that what you have up until now resisted the most, may be obviously what has held you STUCK. And is first cab off the rank’. The Self Discovery online package (including Gentle Trauma Relief) – after Selfing – is the way in. Undoing the programing we are unaware of (fish do not know that they are in water) is the key. Energy Follows Thought.
START NOW – as the the online self paced is all ready when you are. Forms the CONTENT. A paradigm shift is needed in all departments. Even if you have been a health care professional – even an acupuncturist – the way I have been teaching (from my lived experience) has never been as it is written. My work has had to be women centred. It is based on what works in life. Not theories.
The in-person (or online in small groups as I lead you through – as we had to in the locked down times) is a great beginning – not taking the place of the hands on you and practicing under watchful eyes on the classmates – but did work. From 1981 I have been designing, producing and delivering training material at all levels of acupuncture, and healing. Using the simple addition of touch – moving what is STUCK – we can feel and see the instant changes – in ourselves and in others. Transformative work.
SUPPORT – as an acupuncture graduate, then teacher, I saw that there was no mentoring after the formal training. It was needed. In all extra trainings I have taken – access to the teacher would have allowed me to progress in a less haphazard way. I have designed this as formal education is somewhat soul less. Thus, the third component can be mentoring after-support. Not talking but with demos – and working on YOU . . . We all mastered this in 2020 – 22. Now 2024, we are still all scattered about.
If you wish to be in the ‘actual’ practical (this will vastly undo YOU and YOUR stuck sessions) you must have completed the online components/tutorials – self paced and simple – so you know why we are, This way we can be mostly hands on.
Elephant in room warning
I am too sensitive to what is being released from the bodies of those who have been irreparably altered. I know that is an upsetting line/stance. I did not set this in motion, I have tried to mitigate the backlash on my vehicle and beingness here by taking copious, various and up until now – not effective enough – antidotes. Why?? to hold my sovereignty/bodily autonomy. To NOT be negatively affected. To have to stand back. To watch. Hence the online is extensive and very possible – and I will (as the challenger) say what is unsaid… NOT keep doing what is creating damage to me. I am past sorry – but this is out of my hands. Transmuting the effects is past my abilities – and maybe others can with impunity – I cannot. THUS – if you are on this page, please see this as a massive opportunity for shifting gears you are now HERE with all of us on this ride we are calling life.

Transformative healing starts with SELF

Rather than seeing this site as a gateway into a potential way of healing – for yourself (as a ‘sufferer’ or as a ‘therapist”, and those you love, of those who you may touch in the future, and /or those who wish to learn more) – please see this as a transformational process.
Since I have been working with people in the late ’70’s it has not been as a . . . ist (labeled modality) that I appear in their lives, – but as a soul driven force to initiate change. Everyone’s. This means people seeing me as being ‘mad’ often was the easiest way for them to stay in their lanes’.
As with Don Elijo Panti (Dr Rosita Arvigo’s master) – who was the hy’men (spiritual healer) for the Belizeans lucky enough to be able to be with him – and some stayed with him whilst they healed – for months – as he gave the herbs he had gone of and chopped very day – I know that some show up as that is the last step in their ‘hopelessness’ journey before they ‘see the ‘Light’ – and alter everything as it hurts too much to stay stuck
Do we stand up – or hope it all gets fixed by others?
Most do not see the process as they are in it.
I often stand outside, and do my bit.
This may resonate with you.
If/when I come past your attention – what will you take away?
A bunch of moves, or a way of resetting your own ‘North Star’ and use the paradigm shifts I offer to take stock of where you see yourself?
Life is experiential. Along the way all tend to pick up life residue and may become somewhat STUCK. This makes us ‘special’. Some of us have been ‘Bonsai’ed’ from the very beginning – and we can’t NOT follow our own path. We have an inner compass. We will NOT be told. We have also embodied our life’s learnings. We may feel the need to assist others. We begin with self mastery. It is an integral part of any working with others.

Learning to love SELF: to put self first.
Not able to give from an empty cup. Not able to listen to your inner knowing when in survival mode. MUST put yourself out of harm’s way.
To become accepting, unconditional takes commitment to your self.
Time and effort.
Possibly self is all you have left. Likely you have been stretched and feel that you may even be on the wrong planet: to be ‘too sensitive’ to be here NOW.
To listen to the higher calling that led you into the healing arts , or inquisitive enough to be reading this – is the first priority. YOU being clearer and aligned with YOUR life purpose is my intention in bringing this work to the world.
Living now is not a dress rehearsal.
Finding a tribe of like minded souls may be why you are here.
We need more with their lights on NOW.
For everyone – here is the starter pack
SELF FIRST – online – anytime starting . . . Gentling Way Beginning Package is here.
Covering Free You – unblocking your scars, The Healing Power of Touch, What Causes Health? Belly Soothing and Peristeaming, this package is the most effective way to look after YOURSELF better. This gives you the online component of the Selfing Intensive, should I be offering this – or if one of my graduates puts on a class you can get yourself to. The online is huge – and is essentially a first year health care professionals ‘cheat sheet’ as all I have worked out and now teach is within the eBooks and demos that is found within.
May I suggest that you also add in – Nourishing YOU – as fueling and repairing is only as good as your gut. Not only what goes in it.
201 IS A STARTER INTRODUCTION that is available to anyone – esp those who are at a distance and wish to go through Heather’ Healing Academy – Transformative Qi Moving (may know this better as Moving Blockages to Healing)
You CAN go straight to the online courses
PAINED? Maybe follow what may hold the keys to lasting easy living – the Selfing online course – help is at hands – YOURS
PREGNANT? CLICK here for easy pregnancy resources – the eBook version of the manual “What Dads (and partners of pregnant women) Can Do”, the 2 videos – Massage and Birthing – WDCD and the 20+ printable easy to follow charts of self help.

PERIODS? A good beginning is understanding how a well woman’s body works – Starter pack here
Foundational Moves is here NOW and the entire Rescue Your Yang Qi/ Reset Your Metabolism – the role of vitality on living well – is coming soon. Start now with Foundational Moves (CLICK)– as this has its bones. You can vastly improve your and other’s lives instantly – PAIN? Begone. . . (Start at Selfing – CLICK to watch and then to sign up to GET STARTED)
It all works. . . across all ages, and stages of anyone’s life
Touchie | Pre requisites | Self paced online | ‘Live’ online | Must you be a Practitioner ? | |
101 – (a) Selfing | None – start now | Y | N | Anyone | |
(b) Selfing/ Challenge | Continuation of Selfing intensive | – | Y | Anyone | |
102 – Self Discovery usually online – sometimes facilitated in a group online | Selfing first – is a continuation ASK WHEN I DO IT AGAIN | Both online self paced & led | Could be – 2 versions | Anyone | |
| |||||
201 – Free Your Qi | None – Sat 24th Gold Coast | – | N | Anyone | |
202 – Pelvic Opening | BOTH – Sat 24th /Sun 25th G.C. | – | N | Anyone | |
203 – Reconnecting | 101, 102, 201 + 202 TBA | N | Ideally Y | Y | |
204 – Scars – Holistic Healing/ C Section | All above PLUS 301, 302 | N | Ideally Y | Y | |
205 – Living Ligaments (L.L.) I | All above PLUS 301, 302, 303 | N | Ideally Y | Y | |
206 – L.L. II (later) | Cumulative PLUS 304 | N | Ideally Y | Y | |
207 – L.L. III Reproduction (much later) | Cumulative PLUS 305 | N | Y | Y |
Taster for this work here (CLICK to access)
The rest will be added to in sequence as I complete each teaching module for others to use
YOU get to start at SELFING and the SELFING WORKSHOP/CHALLENGE is a deeper journey into what make YOU you.
WDCD (What Dads Can DO is the text book – written in a pregnancy focus
It is for ALL who wish to know what runs their physical body, and how to alter what they have back to easy living

Being Woman | Pre requisites | Self paced online | ‘Live’ online | Practitioner | |
301 – WDCD/ Pelvic Opening /Birthing | 101 TBA | Y | N | Anyone | |
302 – Being Woman | 101, 201, 202 TBA | Y | N | Anyone | |
303 – Painless Pregnancy /Easy Babies | 101, 201, 202 302 TBA | Y | Need personal mentoring as well | Anyone | |
304 – Mammalian Maternity | 101, 201, 202 302, 303 | Y | N | Anyone | |
305 – Mammalian Birth Keeping | 101, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 302, 303 | Lived experience | Need personal mentoring as well | Anyone |
Shall we clear that away . . .?
Could be you – or your daughter, lover, mother, friend, neighbour. YOU may want to know more about how a well body works.
The electrical dictating the physical – and the spirit that runs us.
If you are involved in helping couples with their baby preparation, or with anyone who experiences issues /challenges in the area of reproduction, urogenital or structural (back/neck/head and all lower body) this is for you.
Everyone needs to awaken what is festering within – it lodges in the pelvis.
Whether we have broken out tailbone long ago,
whether we have a displaced – or missing womb –
whether we are recovering from a past incident of any description, and feel broken,
or from surgical/medical treatments or just know we could feel sex more/ better.
This is all of us.