Ask yourself – what do I want?
What tripped your interest to come here?

We are living in strange times.
Strange things are happening as the body and the space we live in become ever more cluttered – filled with what the body is not geared to manage. We may have realised that we need to become less dependent and more responsible – for all stages of our lives.
From here – you may also have become aware that the time for specialisations is over. To survive and thrive – we need to be global thinkers and visionaries.
We may have forgotten – we are all of the Light Here held in a mammalian wrapper we are all a droplet of Light
PARADIGM SHIFT – Shen, Qi and Jing . . . some East Asian medical terms that are built upon. . .
Soul – my own version of the Anatakarana and how I have reworked the world people are STUCK in – to explain a way out of the maze. . .
In the past – we may not have noticed what was going on in our backgrounds – BUT – when we went through the process of the last few years – we have been able to pause and wonder – what am I doing here?
What is our intention, out commitment to excellence, our way to empowering ourselves, our loved ones are those who we are tasked to assist? Does the old model (fee for service even?) work? For whom? Life takes precedence over ‘medical’. By taking charge – allow the crisis managers/rescue team to work within its own scope of practice. Prescribing chemicals for profit is not health enhancement and in these times – we need to find what always worked in our forebears times and without superstition, go back to nature.
If you do not stay in control you will be – through fear . .

We have to acknowledge that we are the ‘Thems’ who seek assistance.
By now we are all distressed and in need of realignment.
Perhaps step back,
Zoom out
See ‘life’ here as a continuum from beyond and to beyond.
What did YOU come in and now to do?
This may help to light up your way . .
More on the meditation work that begun the moving of my training focus from moves and techniques to a more integrated human paradigm is found here. We are ALL Beings of Light. True healing begins when we can step outside our ‘middle circle’. The personality cage programmed for us to be ‘self’ to be here. To be the ‘self’ to even be on this age – you also may be questing. Regardless of how you begin in discovering this work, we start with self.
Only then segue into undoing our own personal programmes – what ‘it’/life/any given situation means to us. .. “BUT I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE MOVES“ you may angst . .Oh that it were that easy! I have found from teaching all levels of healing arts and across many modalities, that we have been called. We usually have our own pasts to catch up with – ‘edges’ that need smoothing over/knocking off first. Our own so we CAN be the clear channel. . . to make our own clearer choices. FIRST
Always us first. Undoing what may have caused a stagnation of flows on any level of being on this plane allows us to experience difference. We may not enjoy being the disruptions felt on physical and emotional and spiritual levels – of being warped. In seeking change, it is only when we undo that which this was set up to clear can the healing/free flow begin again.
We always begin with undoing ourselves
Using the 7 ‘L’s’
1 – Light (We may have forgotten we are all Light – here having a human experience in forgetting/Free Will.
2 – lineage why we are here – the survivors gave us the wisdom – are we using it?
3 – Liver – all that is from my acupuncture knowings. . . all levels . . a life paradigm
4 – Lymph – our inner sea. Nourishment – hydration – life – as the gaseous exchanges, the mineral and life essential are transported from here to there, wastes leaving in an orderly fashion – NOT stored for later – along with their emotional charges. . . unless the fluids flow
5 – Ligaments
Hold our space. Supple on all levels, bending as a tree in the breeze. Or snapping trying to stay in control (it is NOT safe to be inflexible)
6 – Lies (whose benefit do you subscribe to??). Especially that external control is the only way to live. Never before – no other organism – are we to be herded like sheep? Corralled as cattle? All that holds you back – maybe start with – not good enough (for whom?) Body needs help/can’t heal itself . .Likely totally unaware as these form a lot of the enculturation of modern life – not based on physical but a constructed reality (much like recent questioning straight biology) – we are living in strange times… .
7 – Litigation
Consequences that rules hold. The middle circle ‘reality’ is a construction. Is it biologically sustainable what is happening (take any look – A.R.T. (artificial reproductive technology) is a good example. If Nature says NO to breeding – why force the issue? Because there is money in it? If cancer is detected – it has been there a while – and without changing what causes it – what created the body to go rogue – atttacking it will surely only add to the destruction of individual’s life forces and soul intention?).
Back to US FIRST

Relationships – and being present and AT ONE WITH
Stepping up and rising above the ‘little wills of men’ is what drives me to share this work – and the initial website I had designed was around the Antakarana meditation clearing work. I found this on my path to undo why my own daughter was in her state – and we with her.
The Gentling Way Self Care and Gentling Trauma Relief online modules are available for any/everyone.
Does this align with you?
All is based on the Life Recipe – what we need to be here.
And – the three circles – the body, mammalian, physical is how we stay in this dimension. You may be driven to help ‘conditions’ and physical hurts. All this work has the energy (Qi) framework embedded.
I devised this to assist in my pregnancy work – as so many allowed men’s business to overshadow mammalian maternity

Not following nature and living according to the template set down to be in physical form (we are gifted a body to be here), the result is trauma – for all birthed. This model gets us out of trouble. When we are stuck – WHICH part of self is running the show/life?
The Soul (top circle) is in charge.
The body (bottom circle) – life here is only possible if we follow the manual
At mother’s knee – most mammals are in a herd/some from of structure. As humans (middle circle), we have now been herded into mobs – who have ‘gangs’ of in and out – and wars abound – inner and with each other – ad in large group do those who believe one way or another. And rules – thou shalt not’s abound.
I see this further – as balance – LEFT – and as we usually are living – MIDDLE – the physical has been totally overridden by the importance of ego and the power struggles we play – and inflate the importance of the ‘self’ to the exclusion of the reasons we are here. Self is the soul (TOP) as the driver and in the culture we are mostly residing through – it is knocked out and into submission via the religious indoctrination.

IDEAL – I suspect is on the RIGHT. We are in service. Ego is in place to hold us in the culture – Soul is driving and the body is resilient.
How to achieve?
Undoing our own inner libraries of hurt and how/why we (on another level) set this up, begins our own path to clarity.
We all need to be in the best space we can be for this work. Prior to the lock downs, my teaching package started for all – regardless of past experience and ‘qualifications’ in a formal sense – on looking back /into ourselves. We start with the Gentle Selfing workshop. All needing to have meetings and trainings through Zoom (so much of my work is to be accessed in small groups as a bonded tribe) we explore the vastness of being human.
We acknowledge the need to let go our own beliefs and assumptions to go forwards clear. Selfing Discovery and the constancy of change we now all face – becoming ever more real as boundaries are drawn between conscious and followers of a programme that becomes ever more global SOME of us are standing for sovereignty.
Let us clear out our own energy fields. Life residue that becomes sticky – more on this here.
In addition to learning acupuncture from an inquisitive forwards thinking chiropractor, all courses I chose enhanced what was the foundation of my patience and perseverance in ‘righting wrongs’. Knowing there were so many more pieces of the jigsaw than any one ‘modality’, and needing more than one person’s prisms and filters, I explored anything that came my way over the next four decades.
As a former Arvigo Self Care teacher . .
I try to get all my students into this work also as it fits so well with my content.
We all respect all traditional medical content. The Maya work, or any conscious belly or body aligning is a great path into the Gentling Way
We have all been called to be here and now. We have our own unique piece of the puzzle.
Now is the best time
YOU for you
THEN – YOU with/for others
Those who have been on this face to face and hands to heart journey with me will be grateful to know that Australia will be the other home of this body of work.
In times past I have seeded it in France, and Germany, USA. We will see how those who have experienced these gentling ways can rise up to the challenge of forming their own pods and ripple The Gentling Way out for all others. Have YOU been called to assist yourself (and maybe others) in this powerfully gentle way of being?