The series
Easy Periods,
Easy/Fun Sexuality,
Men Matter,
Easy Baby Making,
Easy Pregnancy/Practical Bonded/Birthing,
Easy Surgical Repair,
Graceful Aging
Each will have a general /basic training into the moves
How to set up to win . .
What to do: then the separate in the series – see Easy Pregnancy/Practical Bonded/Birthing here
1 – The pelvic opening page online that has all the videos and info to get started will be sent to you with payment.
2 – The online class – unless you are lucky enough to be in a real live one – will be posted.
Usually we find times that both Hemispheres can attend.
Always less than 10 and usually more like 6
Ideally you have a real person with you to work on – so you can be directed and have your movements tweaked.
Preferably in this class a very pregnant woman would be great.
3 – After support – we do four one hour catch ups – with more content.
4 – There will be an assessment and certification and then inclusion on the GW page of trainers and also on the opening the baby gate one.
Sita – a birth keeper speaks . . .
Midwife speaks
My name is Yvonne Argent. I’ve been a midwife since 1980. I have practiced midwifery in many different settings. I first met Heather around 2006 in Brisbane through the Home Birth Group, as I was practicing as a home birth midwife at the time.
Below is a list of many different things that I saw as changes in the health of women that Heather and I were caring for at that time.
- Ease with which these women gave birth. ( Women with a history of long slow painful labours giving birth in 2-3 hours or less without drugs for pain relief)
- Correct positioning of baby giving rise to easier births. Better positioning of transverse babies or unstable lie with grand multi para.
- Turning of breech babies ( or easier labours for women who choose to birth their breech babies vaginally)
- Change in symptoms of women with many serious conditions eg Pre-eclampsia, polyhydramnious, oligohydramnious, cholestasis of pregnancy, Gestational diabetes of pregnancy, placental problems like low fetal growth, high fetal growth, twins, pelvic or backache of pregnancy, morning sickness, or nausea thru out pregnancy, essential hypertension.
(Many of these women improved so much they still were able to birth at home easily). - Post birth:- easy effective birthing of placentas. How to stop or control bleeding post birth without drugs.
- Improved healing for any damaged perineums especially for 3rd and 4th degree tears.
Outcomes for subsequent pregnancies much better with more holistic healing - Better outcomes for women with depression, both ante-natallly and post-natally.
- Improved baby and mother attachment leading to much improved health for mother and baby post-natally, better breast feeding etc
To achieve these things it has meant some small changes in my practice. No breaking rules of our profession. I spend much more time on diet and lifestyle. I have stopped using cold on perineums or breasts. Using heat you achieve great outcomes right when you want them plus better for long term health. Using Moxa sticks and massage on mothers sacrum and back.
Heather runs courses for midwives which help them learn how to be able to assist women to have much more enjoyable pregnancies and births. I have been incorporating different things in my practice, like no cold application at any time, better education about their bodies, better able to understand their bodies, encouraging women to take responsibility for their own and their children’s health, being patient with nature and allowing the women’s body to birth the baby and the placenta themselves.
ADDITION – Using moxa sticks and massage and teaching dads to help their partners to achieve the great birth they are wanting to have.
- Almost zero induction rate,
- 90% homebirth rate with no drugs, (only non pharmaceutical pain relief),
- only occasional tears,
- no episiotomy rate,
- 95% + breast feeding rate,
- minimal 3rd day blues, only occasional post natal depression and by far
- almost 100% women who love their labour and want to repeat it.
Using Heather’s ways, I been able to have a more enjoyable practice, able to give women a healthier happier pregnancy, birth and post natal period. Even when working with previously labeled ‘higher risk’ women.
Heather is extremely passionate about helping women to birth naturally – and what’s more to enjoy their birth. Her focus is not only on what is best for both mother and baby but also the whole family. Differing to other health professionals, she has incorporated many different health modalities to be able to give all a more complete healing for both mothers and babies: this puts them in a fantastic place of complete health. Her comprehensive manual/videos – What Dads Can Do . . is a great tool to help with what, where, why and when you can do to keep mum in optimum health throughout her whole pregnancy into the postnatal period and back into her active family life, to eventual menopause and old age.