Men Matter

A lot can ‘go wrong’ when our flows are not flowing. Waiting to see how and it can get whilst living a life that is causing the problems is the modern way leading to the problems you may have and can see outlined below.

There are many ways to undo this and all are simple

Maybe it is time to TAKE CHARGE yourself?

it is very possible. . .

What to do?

Acknowledge that here is something that may well be holding you back . . It may be HIDING underneath what you are concerned about. Too scared to go through with asking even a question? Possibly the answer is worse than you thought? Is it NOT made better by not checking. That peeing issue? That nightly sleeping challenge ? The depression? Distress you can’t share? Chronic pain anywhere? why not.

I have spent my working life being considered as a woman’s specialist – BUT I am the mum of three adult men, I am happily married, and have spent all my time standing up for men – as they need as much – likely more help – than women do. They do not as easily share their feelings. This grows into huge stories, and suppressed, it comes out as an inner war . . likely in the genital area
Definitely defining life as you age.

What no one talks about

Circumcision : the site that may help you SOOO much

If you missed this – you were so lucky 

Trigger warning . . . It was a diabolical attack. It shut down of all babies who went through the terror and helplessness of having essentially 1/3 of their penis ripped off and no one cared! Ultimate betrayal  – no anesthetic . . And had to pee. Have a nappy rubbing up against and want to crawl . . Ensuring that all boys were traumatised from a week after birth – not trusting mum from then on. . .the body remembers.

May well be why . . . you need the Gentling Way . . to begin healing the complete shut down of self – and feeling

Prostatitis: (swollen so it can’t do a good job anymore)

16% of men will have this.

Most common diagnosis for men under 50

3rd most common diagnosis for men over 50

Type I – Acute bacterial prostatitis (5%)
Type II – Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Type III – non bacterial (CPPS – Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)
Type IV – Asymptomatic inflammatory Prostatitis
(US National Institutes of Health 1999) – it is likely horrendously worse now

Case – ‘Tony’ 31

Works in finance, married, not getting wife pregnant, penile pain on ejaculation
Perineal pain and burning in urine

Diagnosis – Bacterial infection – (even though none found).
Treatment – Put on antibiotics and also NSAI and anti depressants.
Has been many times to male clinics and told no infection – but to keep up with antibiotics.

Has been constantly tested for all S.T.I. semen, blood test all –ve and still on Ab
Also now I.B.S. (irritable bowel syndrome)

Why would this be? Liver Qi STUCK and nothing working as it should

(Forgive me – as I am a former acupuncturist – I know the connections as to why life and bodies are not ONLY physical). The Liver Qi is disordered – you can watch this flow-on to the entire system). Before then – look where Liver QI flows in health.Everywhere that has to be flowing – get stuck eventually – esp the emotions – those reactivity issues.


Can’t now have sex as scared if infecting wife and maybe babies.
Also not able to sit for more than 30 mins, and is totally stressed.
Also hurts too much all the time to . . live
More medications . . .

Says his wife .  . ‘A shadow of his former self’.

This is a whole body/being issue

How so ?
The energy that runs the body is STUCK as you are – and ever more so – as you do not let the circulation flow again.
Cold invasion, old accidents, injuries, and the resultant scars.

Shows up in the physical and the emotional and all of your life


  • Muscular tension – everything starts to seize up (see Psycho emotional below.
  • Changes to breathing –
  • Inflammation
  • Sensory cortex
  • Motor cortex
  • Increased nerve sensitivity

(Everything gets too reactive – can’t sit for half an hour – need to move – without a cushion – no sitting on hard plastic chairs).

Social factors

  • Relationships – personal/work/family
  • Socially unacceptable: where nearest loo?
  • Isolation
  • Ability to work
  • Activity/exercise cut out

Psycho emotional

  • Stress – Life is defined by the bathroom issues.
  • Anxiety – can’t live a worry free life as where to pee next? What to do to fix this?
  • Fear avoidance – as a result, doing less and less to avoid putting yourself ‘at risk’
  • Worry – Can’t be happy as that is ALWAYS on your mind
  • Depression – All answers offered are NOT fixing this – and anti depressants do not touch the PROBLEM
  • Hyper-vigilance – over thinking as you want to feel safe at all times (not a laughing stock)
  • Catastrophisation – it gets bigger, is all hopeless and out of control
  • Eventual likely suicide – happens . . apparently no way out

The focus location of this problem makes it so monumental.
Hits to the heart of being male/all tough and resilient.
(Location of loos?/No sexual activities as it hurts maybe ALL the time).
Drinking ever more often and ever more alcohol and smoking is NOT going to help

What to do?

Watch the FREE Prostate Solutions webinar

Do not see your doctor first  – as there is nothing (except maybe antibiotics for the 5% ) that will be helpful. Even then there are surely better ways than wiping out your gut bacteria? Have a think. What can you do that you to would have


  1. Cold avoidance and restore normal
  2. Organic castor oil (applied locally – up rectum with a syringe nightly will work magic – only 2ml needed)
  3. Lymph clearing – see the online courses on offer below.
  4. Sacral work . . as above
  5. Vit D3 (sunshine – live a life)
  6. Magnesium – topical. To ensure that your body can access this through taking out all the barriers – including the mercury that is bound in your cells blocking its absorption – does it itch/burn/hurt when applied?).
  7. Inflammation and the sugar epidemic
  8. Dehydration – ,ust drink AT LEAST 3 litres of clean not cold water every day.
  9. Past sexual trauma  (What Lies Beneath for everyone – so much past sexual frights as youngsters – and often as older people . .)
  10. Perineal steaming (prostate and all the gut will be helped – as well as it is totally relaxing)

PLEASE start with the programme I have devised for everyone – at any stage of their life journey.

Online self help easily followed life changing – you WILL instantly notice a difference . .

Foundational Moves -you working on a partner/someone you love/ our if you have a clinic – ‘patients’. I use this gentle touch therapy all day in clinic, in addition to whatever else I am doing.)

Ask yourself – what has this cost so far – and what will it cost if you do not??

Foundational Moves

Become all of who you could be .
In your own home – it all works!!!

Especially useful if you want to have your pelvic flows flowing again –
undo pain, improve feeling ‘down there’ including
– being a dad from having not so

great sperm . . . .
– having easy vigor in the bedroom
– undoing decades of prostatic unhappiness
– easy care back/neck/body work – with another – share the love!!

May also want to but the Love Your Man Better course:
if making babies is not on easy mode