Loosely .. as always . .. The Problem – those writing about something may likely NOT have experienced it The Why – they are seen as ‘experts’/gifted credibility by virtue of .. . . The Solution – listen to those who have walked the path back out again ..
As bio medicne always NEVER knows why something is happening – their forte is describing in minute detail what is tangible – and through their model/filters – what they say to do comes up very short . .except keep doing what they say to do – never mind that the endo/ cancer grows back, they likely will kill you, but the ‘operation’ worked . .As with anything in a woman’s body/life.
Ask the one who is in it. Bringing forth new life (maternity) being such a stunning failure in medicine . .

Orienting you
Unless this has been your thing – you may not have realised how a bladder can take over a life – and wring you out!
Interstitial cystitis
What is it? According to NHS UK – Bladder pain syndrome is a poorly understood condition where you have pelvic pain and problems peeing. It’s sometimes called interstitial cystitis (IC) or painful bladder syndrome (PBS). It’s difficult to diagnose BPS (interstitial cystitis) as there is no single test that confirms the condition. See more of their options here (Oh DEAR!)
“The key symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) / Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) are pain, frequency of urination and urgency (the urgent desire to pass urine). The pain or sensation of bladder discomfort/pressure in IC / PBS is felt classically as the bladder fills with urine and is usually relieved by urination. The sensation of bladder discomfort drives the need to urinate and results in frequency of urination, usually both day and night. Symptoms can begin gradually or suddenly and with no apparent reason. “
Well – they would say that when you are not looking for the WHY it will evade you . . maybe start with – what happened before this started up? And go from there – see the table below. Based on my life of helping people see solutions simply in their lives
WARNING – This not medical
This is inherently irreverent to the ‘experts’ as the Flexnor Report runs too deep as a sacred cow for those reading not to possibly ark up – at least sub consciously – unless this info resonates – and there are millions of women – and men with their prostate behaving as women’s wombs/bladders – who would be sitting in the edge of their seats to see what other tricks they themselves can try – this condition of distress takes over a life!!!
intentionally only looking – where the answers are NOT. What really works in not in their scope of practice. Health enhancement. According to the Mayo Clinic . . . The signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis vary from person to person. If you have interstitial cystitis, your symptoms may also vary over time, periodically flaring in response to common triggers, such as menstruation, sitting for a long time, stress, exercise and sexual activity. Interstitial cystitis signs and symptoms include:
- Pain in your pelvis or between the vagina and anus in women
- Pain between the scrotum and anus (perineum) in men
- Chronic pelvic pain
- A persistent, urgent need to urinate
- Frequent urination, often of small amounts, throughout the day and night (up to 60 times a day)
- Pain or discomfort while the bladder fills and relief after urinating
- Pain during sex
Symptoms severity is different for everyone, and some people may experience symptom-free periods. Although signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis may resemble those of a chronic urinary tract infection, there’s usually no infection. However, symptoms may worsen if a person with interstitial cystitis gets a urinary tract infection.
According to me (Qi and body aligner)
There is a very obvious path to get to here. Unresolved ‘stuff’ on so many levels. Starting with my usual table – we can see how we got to here – in any situation. Ask different questions and follow the Life Recipe. Are you feeling safe,m secure in your life? As the bladder organ in East Asian medicine is how we resolve/discharge the heat – there are great places to start – drink more clean and tepid water. Avoid all processed intake – in any aspect – sweet anything converts to heat – and this is also alcohol and any sweeteners. . and undo any situation that gives you irkedness/pissed off responses as this will turn into heat that needs voiding . .
Structure determines function
When all fall down – impinge upon the space of other organs or /and when ether has been a sacral/tailbone injury – however long ago – this needs correcting FIRST.
Life Impacts
Consequences of the above – and maybe independent initially, but getting in the way – holding the womb hostage – and from there – all else tumbles . In the words of Don Elijio Panti (Dr Rosita Arvigo’s mentor/master) ‘when a woman’s womb is out of balance – so is she’.
So true and when we correct WHY it is – or WHY it was removed – ans clear all scars. On all levels, all adhesions and restrictions to flows. – all is well again. Until then – not possible – flows must flow – they can’t – and pee can’t either!


All that is coming in at you. This includes food and fluids and their temperature – and also all that goes around in your head unfettered, and the input from your sense organs.
What you can do do with it – as the social context/enculturalisation will styme all
In here throw in all the social constraints – especially the programmes and rules, beliefs and ways we can’t be free.
Thus we all have plenty to work with. I suggest that you start with Free Your Own Qi and Nourishing You plus Selfing – this may look like an investment – it is – answers. . .Through a paradigm shift. From there. You will feel better /more empowered and have some tools that were unavailable, following the pain numbing and pelvic floor exercises, plus antibiotic route.
There is a lot going on and through the ‘lower heater’ – and will be reflected elsewhere
Image is taken from What Dads Can Do page 26-27

KEY POINT – Heat is voided from the bladder. See also – The Bladder Project and listen to the tale of 3 men
Iodine – and fluid metabolism – the energy /instructions telling the physical what to do. Get rid of the fluids you are addicted to . . .
3 litres daily at least . . . and not because you are thirsty (too late) – that is too long between drinks. Maybe add in coloured salt and some lemon. Flush away the heat causing agents – rage and toxins of all other descriptions. . Ice – to cool down? No – please don’t – find decant body temperature water and get started. Flushing away HEAT.