How does it work?

Heather’s Gentling Ways a more inclusive look at the life we live.
Not forcing change. Encouraging the body to LET GO. It holds the residue of all that has happened to it.
Many working with the body STUCK – whether it follows Reichian and Shamanic Dearmouring, rebirthing with rebreathing, or some way of undoing the emotional charges stored in the structure creating the blockages to flow all know a break-THROUGH must happen – as we all need to get out of our own cages. Of beliefs – to where we have choice. And are not in the rut of what was safe (r) at the time – than perceived alternatives. BUT – we are not there now. .
Life moves on. We grew up and then – where is the trajectory heading us?
Could we at least look to how we are responsive – not reactive?
The clue is – chronic pain/dysfunction – so much so that you assume that is who/what you are/your ‘lot’ in life..

These have been warnings unheeded – and by now you may think that that is who you are.

TEACHING TOOL TO ASSIST TO GET OUT OF STUCK – The table is the key. We all seem to focus on only ONE aspect – to the exclusion of all others – where we one type of therapist – or only one person – often in that relationship – for years.

Back left leg – STRUCTURE

The accompanying table: shows component parts
1 – STRUCTURE determines how your body works. It is itself is held in by ligaments. These are nourished by your Blood energy and the actual red liquid. The quality of this incorporates INPUT – hydration, minerals, proteins, fats and vital amines. Now called (disparaging by some) – ‘alternative’, when in fact are what we are made from – what we eat. Same as an engine has specific fuels it can and that won’t work well – or at all without the right one. Fuel is one aspect of INPUT

2 – Front left leg – INPUT

INPUT also covers all that goes in the sensory organs – eyes, ears, and touch and smell and makes its mark. As well as the obvious food and liquids. Often people would tell me that they had changed their diet – they meant what they were choosing to pop in their mouths. Usually not sustainable – as they normally would not easy as this. The temperature of the foods, the time of day eaten, with what and under what circumstances: the toxic loading of the ingredients (our food is under siege) and whether even they agreed with the belly and what the digestion could even do with the process – was missing, AS was the variety and the seasonal or always the same approach.

And that is only the food – what about what fluids needed?
Tastes ignored, or always drawn to? These all make a difference – hence the food folder I developed in 2002

But the input also covers what we are exposed to. The current poisoning of the biosphere add to the already toxic body burden we are carrying for the past century or so. Our air, water and thus soil – indirectly and deliberately to get more yield – not necessarily better quality to strengthen and repair those how consume the products. Usually the opposite – to fill their bellies with the taste buds (and gut bacteria) satisfied.

This brings in the programming that lands in the already hne being – see LIFE IMPACTS/PAST as the back right leg.

Back right leg

What keeps us STUCK? Habits, beliefs and expectations – from our imprinting – deeply in/from our pasts.
This residue is the basis of our ‘personality’ and how we react in the world. It also stops the downloading of what we are here for – why we are even here in this place at this time. How we can express ourselves from the sense we make of being here. is totally constrained by our ego choices – from when we choose to wake up, what to do with our days, what we call food, how we move or if we choose to sit in ‘our stuff’ or move through to the Light.