Gentling Trauma Relief

Emotional Resolution and Clearance


Our past is encoded in our bodies. Whilst we feel we may have moved on – often not so.

‘The Story’ can be reframed.
That one that rules – that is like a cage to break free from.
Tools to assist this are found in this Self Discovery kit.

Undoing Your Life Library – what is stuck within?
Let us, using a variety of spiritual healing from other cultures – show it the Light.

Gentling Trauma Relief is both a 3 part online course which can also run in tandem as a 2 day experiential workshop.

This holds spiritual healing to allow the past emotional reactivity to be relieved through reframing “Life” to date.

Online Gentling Trauma Relief components:

  • Undoing The Story (YOUR life library)
  • Tools to assist
  • Gentling Trauma Relief

If as a practical weekend this is over 2 days, either prior to Healing the Wounded Healer or as a prerequisite for this.



The online component must be competed prior to attending Living Ligaments I