One does not take ‘no’ for an answer.
Who sees no limitations.
Structural and a visceral catastrophes – think accidents, operations, incidents – adhesions and scars – clearing whatever is stuck in your body – we can move what has up until now – NOT been possible
Where there is breath, there is life.
Bodies heal themselves
Let us begin
How did I get to here?
Searching when all others stopped.
Always life heals.
We may need to ask different questions.
What I offer
- A fresh start
- Holistic multi lineage, multi modality transformative body and soul aligning.
When you change what you are doing – body messages alter.
When you allow the past to leave, the scars and the traumas are dissolved
Body heals when what holds it hostage is released. Shall we focus on returning everything to naturally perfect?
- Clear away what is baggage.
- Allow the organs (especially your centre) to realign.
- Pain is a great message. A body warning that you need to change are.
Using whatever we can, together we undo the life residue and dramas that have till now, held your body STUCK. In letting go, your clarity, your health and your life – sets you FREE. See more of what is on offer HERE
My life journey – follow Nature . .
My passion
Untangling that which holds the structure and thus function hostage.
Assisting others to Wake Up on all levels – that they may also shine their lights on the world they live within.
Why I developed the Gentling Way
- After a lifetime of assisting others (having heard their stories of woe, or medical forcing and of that not working, and of all those decades of dispensing care and tending /touching people’s bodies and souls: deeply, the Gentling Way was birthed.
- Always a hands-on worker, I discovered that the more gentle, less pressure, the more profound the result.
- Designing acupuncture colleges and courses post graduate in all hard areas (infertility prior to IVF clinics – and now after the sperm debacle when almost NONE are fertile), AIDS – prior to medications, cancer – when chemo etc have failed – and difficult/’high risk’ pregnancy and post surgical repairs, I am well versed at being the last in the long line of people who have had maybe one piece of your healing puzzle.
- Let us put ALL the pieces on the table – right side up.
Life Experiences
I began with what had helped his dad – the acupuncture course, many touch and vibrational therapies, additionally learning all that I could about natural eating, consciously being, uncovering ways to improve life and how to live well. It all segued into my lifetime of serving others for the same outcome – the best possible.

Along this journey I picked up diverse skills to meet the life demands made of me – vaccine damaged children (and self as it turns out), highly difficult social and life experiences, and of course the need to rescue my massively brain injured precious daughter (from 1986).

‘Formal’ (non life) – Intentional Training
- 1977-78 Diploma of Acupuncture (Acupuncture Colleges Australia [Sydney])
- 1979 Bachelor of Acupuncture, Netherlands (Dr Van Buren) and Brisbane College of Traditional Acupuncture.
- 1979 Diploma of Naturopathy (Institute of Naturopathy, Mapleton)
- 1979 – present Attended many acupuncture themed workshops/congresses as possible.
- 1980 Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine (private study Nancy Evelyn)
- 1981 Diploma of Bach Flower Remedies (private study Nancy Evelyn)
- 1987 Reiki 1 with Beth Gray
- 1989 Reiki 2 with Beth Gray
- 1989 onwards – Aura Soma Introduction and Level 1 and 2
- 1989 – 1992 “Who Am I” emotional/spiritual retreats
- 1990 onwards – Aura Soma and Aura Light workshops
- 1998 Sikem and Seichem attunement
- 2006 – 5 day Sound Healing workshop with Karin Scheld, Canterbury, NZ
- 2008 – Completed Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education, Griffith University,.
- 2009 – Sydney Aura Soma – Mike Booth ‘Emerald Heart’ workshop
- 2012 – One unit (Research into CAM) towards Masters of Health Sciences at Canty Uni Chch, NZ
- 2013 – Melbourne Aura Soma – Mike Booth – ‘Three Stars of the Subtle Anatomy’
- 2014 – ‘Self Care Level 1 Arvigo ®’ training (Melbourne)
- 2014 – ‘Professional Care Training’ (Kin Kin)
- 2014 – ‘Introduction to Spiritual Healing’ (Kin Kin)
- 2014 – ‘Arvigo® Accreditation’ (New Hampshire, USA)
- 2014 – ‘Advanced Pregnancy’ (New Hampshire, USA)
- 2015 – ‘Ix Chel Mastery’ (New Hampshire, USA)
- 2015 – ‘Self Care Teacher Training’ (New Hampshire, USA)
- 2016 – Advanced Spiritual Healing (Belize)
- 2016 – Mercier training St Charles, Chicago, USA
2017 – Development of The Gentling Way
2018 – International teaching of The Gentling Way
2019 – Consolidation of the online process of/towards The Gentling Way teaching manuals and online courses
- 2020 – Reiki Mastership
- 2020 – My intention was – setting teachers of the Gentling Way throughout Australia and NZ. A large world wide pause – me back in NZ, locked out of the dedicated teaching/healing establishment was (The Life Alignment Centre, Brisbane) and locked into NZ – rural West Coast – we begin again teaching those who can help YOU realign to your best self. All year mentoring international online healers to emerge to take this multi modality multi lineage body of what works – to the world.
- 2021 – Intending to winter over in Australia, teaching my graduates further, we got locked out of NZ in June 2021. That life dissolved. I spent the rest of the year traveling Qld teaching new graduates hands on – in the Gentling Way – online also.
- 2022 – Settling on far north Qld, focused on helping those who wish to help themselves.
What can I offer?
The voice of experience – when all else seems hopeless. . life will work with you – if you let it.
Online courses that you can instantly start working on yourself – to actively change what you are seemingly STUCK with.
AND/OR – a personalised online investigation and suggestions.
If you wish to have a brief chat to determine the best way forwards – Phone – 0452 407 667