Formal Qualifications:
- Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of California, Irvine, California – 1988
- Therapeutic Massage Certificate, Institute of Therapeutic Studies, Santa Ana, California – 1992
- Kripalu Yoga Teacher Certificate, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Lenox, Massachusetts – 1996
- CELTA Certificate Teaching English to Adults, Australian Tesol Training Centre, Brisbane, Australia – 2003
- Diploma of Acupuncture, Medicina Alternativa Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka – 2006
- Acupuncture Studies, Australian College of Natural Medicine, Brisbane, Australia – 2007
- Certificate of Advanced Studies in Acupuncture, Guanxi Traditional Chinese Medical University, Nanning, China – 2007
- Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Infant Massage Information Service, Cairns, Australia – 2008
- Shonishin Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture, Workshop with Soma Glick, Brisbane, Australia – 2008
- Modern Day Cupping Workshop, Bruce Bentley, Cairns, Australia – March 2012
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy
- Certification Training, Belize – March 2013
- Introduction to Spiritual Healing, Belize – March 2013
- Professional Care Training, California – September 2012
- Self Care Training, Australia – May 2012
- Thai Womblifting Baan Hom Samunphrai Chiang Mai, Thailand – May 2019
My story
I first heard of Heather Bruce while I was studying Chinese medicine in Brisbane. I followed her online and resonated with what she had to say. Years later, when we both had become ArvigoÒ Practitioners and Teachers we met in person. I like to joke that we bounded over sperm. I had become increasingly frustrated with the prevailing narrative around women’s health, fertility and birth while I was working in Singapore. Since I had nobody there to discuss this with we started to chat online. I always resonated with the fact that we really need to return to the simple healing tools that grandmothers and wise women held, which is what Heathers work is about.
It really can be that simple!
I learned that myself when in my early twenties I became seriously ill. I was sure I was dying as I spent six months in bed looking down at my body having out of body experiences.
When it became clear that allopathic medicine had no idea what to do with me, I took it upon myself to find another path to healing.
Like any pivotal moment this changed the trajectory of my life.
I started to study massage, yoga, Chinese medicine, etc. in different places around the world.
Abdominal work really resonated with me as I had a profound experience with a Maya healer while working at a yoga retreat in Mexico.
Years later, after I found out I had fibroids, I remembered this work. Realizing that the belly is a microcosm, like the foot in Chinese medicine, I became fascinated with belly work.
Since the belly is our core, our power source, our movement and life force originate from this focal point, it makes sense to start there to attend to our health concerns. I am passionate about empowering my clients with tools to help themselves.
The Gentling Way adds to these tools. It is an essential addition to what I do to empower people to realize they really do have the ability to heal themselves. Sometimes the body just needs a little nudge.