Formal Qualifications
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Postgraduate Certificate in Midwifery
- Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (pharmacology)
Other Qualifications
- Yoni Mapping Therapist – Bliss Method
- Gentling Way Practitioner
- Living Ligaments 1
- Reconnecting Bao Mai
- Arvigo Self Care
- Ecstatic Birth Practitioner
- 4 Seasons Journey – School of Shamanic Womancraft
Her Story
I am the eldest daughter, I am a mother, a grandmother and a lover.
Life can sometimes lead you on some very interesting paths or journeys and mine certainly hasn’t been the straightforward walk to the park. I started my working career as an admin assistant and worked both here and overseas. I returned to Australia pregnant and a single mum which began my journey into parenting and partnering – this was not an easy journey. I had four beautiful children and a dysfunctional marriage and during this time I was a stay at home mum.
My fourth birth was such an amazing and ecstatic experience that led me into my journey to become a midwife via nursing. I love being a midwife, being present to witness a woman coming into her power, the love and nurturing she receives to bring her baby earthside is something I will always cherish. I have been a midwife now for 16+ years and a home birth midwife for 11+ years.
While being present, holding space and sharing in all these birth experiences I started to see a link between birth and sexuality sent me down the path of Yoni Mapping Therapy and Ecstatic birth which I feel has greatly improved my understanding and presence during birth.
I continue as a home birth midwife, together with my other offerings and currently live off grid in the Wide Bay Region of Qld with my lover and my dog growing vegies and learning, growing and sharing my wise woman wisdom.
Why I became a Gentling Way Practitioner
I first became aware of Heather’s work through my midwifery clients who would talk about this amazing wise woman who helped with hyperemesis, pelvic discomfort, low lying placenta’s, fertility etc. I was invited to attend her teaching an Arvigo Self Care course which then led to her Gentling Way Reconnecting Bao Mai and the Living Ligaments I workshops plus the online offerings as we became a bonded group, whilst recently shut into this new reality.
During these trainings I started to see the subtle changes to my body and my life. But the biggest gift I received through this training was the changes that I started to see in my clients. By introducing just a few of Heather’s foundational moves to these birthing women I seen easier births, less tearing, improved breastfeeding and healthy babies. With my Yoni Mapping clients I started to see their pelvis’s loosen and gain increased sensation even without any internal work.