
Body/soul aligning – respectfully – gently – at YOUR pace

Essentially a system of trauma release: body/soul regeneration Undoing STUCK

The body can heal itself.
We store past grievances.
Body remembers everything that has happened is recorded within.
Using any and every resource available to the clear practitioner, we undo what comes up in a session.

The (STUCK) past is blocking present healing

In the Gentling Way – we respect life and its cycles.
We go to the energy that runs the physical.
When we relieve stagnation of flows – magic appears to happen

MAYBE – you need a perspective change if/when you feel that you have done everything, gone everywhere and given it all your best shot.

STILL you have – STUCK happening – you can’t move forwards.

Could also be you – (if a practitioner – for yourself and your recipient of your care). As well as you the one who is now taking charge and looking out for yourself . .

When we gentle – The STUCK piece lets go.
Allowing us to go deeper.

Back to the pure blueprint.
Following nature

Listen to your body messages . .

Pain (body warning) has no need to be there!

We may be unwittingly on a tangent – beliefs . . . stopping healing as it is holding us hostage.
What ‘it’? Whatever we have shied away from.
The missing piece.

Clear what is blocking your body from healing itself
See ways you can help yourself
As it is designed to HERE