Heather’s Gentling Way is a system of trauma release: body/soul regeneration. Undoing whatever is STUCK as . . .
Ideally you sign in for the entire package and get individual tuition as you go through – plus if you are where I am and not jabbed) the option of working on the group that you are with and me supervising . . Back to the pure blueprint. Following nature
The body can heal itself. BUT we store past grievances. AND.
Body remembers everything that has happened is recorded within.
Using any and every resource available we can untangle, undo what comes up in a session.
At the body’s own pace.
When we gentle – The STUCK piece lets go.
Allowing us to go deeper.
Some of these courses are only online,
Some are led by guides who have gone through the Gentling Way courses and who are in their own right, practitioners of healing care.
Some are potentially offered as in-person experiential workshops.
Unblocking your scars – that ledge, unwanted pouching, sensation changes – general upset – shall we love it all better? online
Being woman – Want to know (again as a taster) how to run your body/life easier? Maybe answer – what is it all about?
Flowing with the moon and the life cycles that make you woman
Selfing – online – take the time to be with yourself – realising that you are your only priority.

Selfing Workshop/Challenge Guided online – with a small group of like-minded people who also wish to go deeper into themselves
Self Discovery – online self paced – we explore what created us STUCK in past patterns, habits and the programmes that still run us.
Maybe sometimes as a guided online experiential offering.

ELDER’S WISDOMS from all around the world
NO ice, no cold no ‘grounding’ – Rescue Your YANG Qi
Reset Your Metabolism – for anyone to help themselves – and others. The return of your own energy running well. CLEAR OUT THE STORED COLD. RETRIEVE your own self back. This may include the medical ‘labels’ of low thyroid/adrenal function/exhaustion. You generally feel not quite all here. Gain vitality – if this is your life challenge – maybe also lose all that excess fluid/body weight.
For you and others you care for
Foundational Moves – online. (Physically stuck? We are in our shells – shall we make it a more comfy experience?)
Easily undoing what is blocked/hurts. For you and especially others – man friendly.
Easy Pregnancy Resources
Maybe you are already working with people?
Triage system: Shen retrieval, clear stored cold, release scars
HOW? Restore the life blueprint?
We were born free
Declutter – take out what was not to be there
Reset – turn it all off /rest to renew
Restore – back to design specifications/factory settings
Free Your Qi – basic ways to liberate your own breath, Qi and bodily fluids into easy living.
This set of simple at home techniques forms the basis for the Foundational Moves, and the Pelvic Opening work that an lead into the Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace – again – we work on ourselves FIRST and MUST have completed the Gentle Selfing and Gentle Self Discovery aspects before traveling into assisting realign the viscera leading then into the womb work (Living Ligaments).
Reset Your Metabolism – removing what has leaked your ooomph – stored cold from the past – retrieve your vitality
Pelvic Opening – we explore the ease and grace of freeing our own and other’s STUCK – liberating the sexual bonds that hold all hurting.
1 – Puberty/Easy Periods
2 – Pregnancy
3 – Post operative Care – (often decades later)
4 – Men Matter
5 – Fertility
6 – Difficult Women’s Business
7- Aging Gracefully
IF/when you have completed the Selfing inner work . .
Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace – repairing fractures within yourself – allowing flows to flow perfectly.
Energy healing through releasing STUCK within – from broken heart to fascial/adhesion/scars releasing.
The essential food factory/gut is honored and now an make your life so much easier.
Effective/Holistic Healing after C Section/Abdominal Surgery/Life incidents – armed with an awareness of Reichian armour bands, we undo what has held the energy, the emotions, and your body STUCK.
Pricklies – rescue your electrics. The basics. So YOUR fingers can undo life traumas. Especially First Aid (ONLINE COURSE THIS IS COMING SOON) – so often needed now. It will be online self paced. There are many modules as you delve into real healing – what creates the physical distractions. And thus how to stop creating your own disasters.
An integrated multi modality pelvic stability/womb centric approach

Living Ligaments I – (LL I) – Centering the Womb from all of the above – we work towards optimal uterine positioning (Womb Wonders from Womb Woes) allowing what was being held hostage to return to perfect structure, thus functioning. Using moves woven from Mayan, Mercier and Heather’s own life long discoveries in multi modality Moving Blockages to Healing. Using the obvious malpositions of the spinal structure, (having undone the visceral uterine adhesions allowing sliding and gliding in the work above this) – to allow all the body components to FLOW again. What do we focus on? Releasing the ovarian suspensory ligament. Thus all allied structures let go. Back to perfect.
Living Ligaments II (LL II) – From Prolapses to Prostates Deepening our focus, we cover Prolapses to Prostate Woes and all that holds the gyne-viscera in disarray. Working on whatever that presents next, on every level, by predominantly allowing the ‘letting go response’ at the body’s wisdom.
Living Ligaments III (LL III) – Opening the Baby Gate – deepening into what is holding babies back – from arriving to gestate (male and female factors) and from exiting mum’s pelvis.
Touching/relieving blockages – free the Qi
Starter 1 – Stuck Liver Qi Release – Pain entry sorts out almost everything – and this is how a well body works. (No Stuck Liver Qi)
Covers all digestive, neurological, musculo-skeletal and gyno-visceral upsets – plus ‘STRESS”)
Foundational Moves online course
The Foundational Moves PLUS version carries what to do with scars – for all who have blockages to flows – could ‘just’ be an old chicken pox one). Self help – fingers – no needles. . .
Starter 2 – Perineal Steaming. Women’s Self Care including how to Honour Our Bleeding – and safe menstrual care. Women’s pack including Menstrual Self Help, steaming information/iodine and moxa usage.
Selfing Plus online course
Starter 3 – Pelvic opening – Pregnancy and all life – The essence of life in a body – freely flowing Qi, blood, lymph and nerves.
Included – online (baby gate resources) eVersions of the WDCD and the charts . .
ALL PREGNANCY WORKERS – includes this and vastly more – that is a taster. . (Also see here)
Shall we liberate our butts?
We have to know ourselves first – practical experiential
PART 1 – Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace. (2 day) (Bao and Dai Mai for acupuncturists)
Selfing (preferably also the experiential – in person intensive or online) is the workshop pre requisite, so you can appreciate the basics.
Career trajectory:
Teach the WDCD pelvic opening to others.
Placement as entry level teachers of the work. (Childbirth education – body surrender – this is PELVIC opening).
Accredited as being on this site As a Certificated Practitioner Level 1
To teach couples – how to use the resources. . (Dads/couples events)

Part 2 – Gentling Trauma Release workshop – 2 day TO BE RELEASED
For acupuncturists and energy body workers – 2023 TO BE RELEASED – Transformative Healing package – a way to transition out of TCM and into Qi flow – meridians – Advanced Channel Applications – using heartful hands we release the 8 Extras. They have held the Perverse Qi out of circulation faithfully – till the body system is capable of clearing. (Shock, Cold and scars/adhesions blocking flows). Includes a photographic essay on how to unlock what usual textbook approaches cannot. On man’s (at that time) consequences of having lived a checkered life:
PLUS 3 trees fallen on him – now 4).
Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace
Day 1 – Creating safe spaces/Gut safety – realigning viscera
Day 2 – Encouraging release. Adhesions/scars that hold viscera and fascia STUCK – potentially relieving the STUCK (trauma) as we go
Effective Healing After C Section
(PLUS – Acupuncturist’s section (if they have Transformative Healing also – Healing After C Section/Freeing Stuck Belly Blood)
Career trajectory

After Living Ligaments I
Using my massive library assembled of resources – we can converse using a womb-centric version of life for everything that ails us.
Easily stepped through. YOU can guide those how need mentoring – into Living Well. Health is wealth .