I’m Josi, as in Josie but without an ‘e’. I have a quirky accent, my husband calls this lovingly ger-glish , a mix between German and English. I have called Australia home for over a decade and have birthed 4 beautiful children here.
Current reality sees us as a family with our children aged 8,7,7,3 and our Labrador Indy (my fifth child ) on the road travelling, working and home schooling in central Queensland. My own pregnancy journeys, births and evolved passion about all things birthing have led me to where I am now today.
Studying Heather’s Gentling Way and building my business as a travelling birth keeper, companion, doula, ‘sacred space holder’. In very short – I have had 2 C-sections, quite a few health issues and variations of normal (cholestasis, preeclampsia , HELLP syndrome, pubic symphysis pain to the point of not being able to walk, issues with spinal / epidural resulting in severe needle phobia, 4 breech babies, … ) .
Followed by an incredible healing and redemptive pregnancy and natural birth, my home birth in a hospital setting.
I had the privilege to experience what really should be a normal experience for every woman.
A pain free pregnancy and an ‘easy birth’ .
I believe that the difference between my first 2 pregnancies and my last was continuity of care with a birth worker, releasing fears and trauma and the work Heather did on my body.
I am a very passionate person , some say intense, quite black and white at times. I enjoy fun and laughter.
I’m also compassionate and empathic and not afraid of hard things.
I have walked alongside women that are very close to my heart that have endured incredible sufferings and grief surrounding birth.
I am here to hold space for you, encourage you, give gentle guidance and provide you with all the practicals to enjoy an easy pregnancy and birth.
Email: josephine.mear@gmail.com
phone: 0416 837 778