Rainey Burke

I first found Heather and her work when I got to a point in my life where I felt I had tried just about everything else to ‘fix’ me, that wasn’t working… I have always been a person that needs to know how everything works, to figure it out myself.. always needing to know more..

I was constantly researching and doing ‘all’ that I could to help myself (mainly prolapse issues after birth and severe fatigue) all that was ultimately caused by underlying issues that I was ‘unaware’ of; Severe lack of self love and not looking after myself properly…

In particular I was trying to be vegan during the most important time of my life – pregnancy/ breastfeeding for 3.5 years and basically doing everything opposite to what my body was screaming at me to do… I was not listening.. I was so disconnected from my true self that It got to a point where I felt that my body was legit about to totally shut down if I did not start putting myself first and listen to my body…

Living Naturally with Rainey Just like everything in nature has it’s own unique environment in which it thrives..

We too have our own unique environment where we thrive.. Only when we follow the laws of nature do we let our bodies thrive in their natural environment. My focus is creating the right environment in which we Thrive! Body, Mind & Spirit Home, Garden and Planet Earth as a whole

We are ONE.. and We are all connected. When we connect back to nature within us we remember our connection to all else.

My name is Rainey, I’m 27 with a beautiful 4 year old daughter, Rose. She is my best friend and one of my greatest teachers.

I have always been very connected to mother nature and have great love for her and all of her creatures. I volunteered for many years as a wildlife carer which deepened my connection to the natural and spiritual worlds. I feel that I have been on a life long journey to heal myself, as the deeper I dive the more I find, we store a lot from our past lives and for me personally this lifetime has been a gift to deepen my journey with my womb, especially after the birth of my daughter.. and learning how to heal the physical body.

I am still learning and see myself as a lifetime student to gather many skills so that I can do my best in creating the world that I dreamed of as a kid, where we all live in peace with mother earth.

I have gathered my skills through which i have learnt so far on my journey and offer specialised sessions to meet each person’s unique needs and can involve some or many of the following:

  • Spiritual healing and cleansing using reiki and other forms of energy work.
  • Guided deep somatic meditations and body work for getting to the depth of our ‘problems’ and releasing them in a safe space.
  • Healing Hands Womb sessions where we focus on connecting to the magic of our wombs and healing all parts of ourselves using special massage techniques and practises
  • Healthy eating = Healthy Living Herbal Healing practises that guide us to connect back with our Earth Mother through creating healing foods and medicines together in groups or 1 on 1 experience (+recipes)
  • Earth Healing Garden creations following the flow of nature with my experience in Feng Shui and Dowsing, I work with the land according to her natural flows and energetic fields rather than going against nature’s way.. (Organic and chemical free).

I also offer many handmade products that will be for sale online.

You can contact me on 0468 536 347 or email Rainey.burke26@hotmail.com