Heather’s Gentling Way is sacred work. It is a calling. It is not for everyone.
All practitioner classes are facilitated by Heather, sometimes with the help of one or two training assistants. We all develop skills to assist transform lives at every level of beingness. Dates for upcoming training courses can be found here.
To get to a practical training there is considerable online study and practice on self and friends first.
All courses are in three parts. The online component covers entry to all Gentling Way practical trainings. This allows us able to enjoy our time together of giving and receiving. Our first recipient of care is always ourselves. We embody the work. We are called first to repair/ transform/ accept changes and to shift sufficiently to heal our own stories and life residue.
Course size are always small, to enable intimate connections with others, so you get the practical support you need. The body remembers everything that has ever happened to it. It is highly likely that you may have breakthroughs as we clear the clutter we all seem to stored for later. (That would be now).
There will be some pre-course online work to prepare you for the week of practical training, and some post-course work to finish with. Your practical skills will be assessed at the end of the week. In all it will be at least 150 hours of study and practical experience.
Differences between this adn all othe r’womb; work?
1 – The WHOLENESS – of being in a body – energy and emotions are paramount
2 – Gentling – no forcing, done with breath – slowly
3 – Nourishing – body needs ingredients. .
What does the course cover?
- Learning how to best look after your own womb/body health
- Online pre-course modules
- Anatomy and physiology of the pelvis
- A new way to think about LIFE _ energy and thus the physical follows these directions
- IUnderstanding the FIVE FLOWS – and thus the SIX ‘T’S”
- Consequences of body not flowing well – all PAIN is merely STUCK
- Hence not only gyne – menstrual pain, heavy bleeding, fibroids, endometriosis, fertility and pregnancy problems
- Also all structural distress – usually long held STUCK – easily, gently moved through . .
- Releasing STUCK throughout the body
- Gently letting go – supporting emotional releases
- Knowing when and how to use castor oil packs, pelvic steaming and womb wrapping
- Guided visualisations for wombspace health and healing
- Allowing you to easily performing Gentling Way on recipients of your care
What does the course give you?
- A burning desire to improve women’s health – one womb at a time
- Comprehensive course manuals – online for you to print out
- All the paperwork you need as a Gentling Way practitioner
- First year’s membership of the Gentling Way Foundation
- Four months of mentoring while working on case studies
- Support as we carry on with weekly tutorials
- Facebook practitioner page
Who is this work for?
Those who can’t stay STUCK one minute longer. .

No previous experience is needed. Those with heart who feel called here to ease STUCK and to assist other’s growth into free flowing towards the Light are welcome. Anyone who uses their hands – including doulas, midwives, acupuncturists, well women practitioners…. will gain a new paradigm – being womb centred – along with very different resources, skills and perspectives.
Are there any pre-requisites to Living Ligaments training?
A progression through the orderly stages awaits you. Each step building on the last. I ask all to begin with self. You go through the online series of supportive structural and belly work to allow your past life residue to fall away. The nutrients needed to redirect a body into healing mode are part of the courses that lead you into the womb centred work. i includes the ‘pricklies’ component. Our fingers can work magic when we know what spot or technique to apply. in life you may be called to act swiftly (First Aid) and also in Home Help situations. So often a simple natural solution is all that is needed in a timely manner.
You will have to attend the Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace 3 days workshop within six months of attending G.W. Living Ligaments training. The path way to this is via the online courses that will have you astounded at the simplicity of undoing most pain and
Are there any post-course requirements?
Keeness, can’t NOT do it . . .
The week of practical training will gift you in techniques to work on any body. To become a full Gentling Way Practitioner you will need to complete the training: and continue with the online tutorials for the next month to iron out any queries. In this time, you submit at least 2 case histories and your comments each week. This intensity will allow you to flow into embodying the work, reconnecting to your passion.
On successful completion you will be awarded a certificate of completion stating that you are accepted as a Gentling Way Practitioner and can choose to be included on the Gentling Way Practitioner listing on the website. Ideally you will return as it is such a different course each time. This is not about the moves – but the complete transformation all experience as we gently peel back the layers exposing your blueprint again.
Please note: Although I trained with Dr Rosita Arvigo in 2014 and Dr Jennifer Mercier in 2015, I am NOT teaching their work, but my interpretation of Qi and body work gained through the last 45 years of working with people’s STUCK to undo what is blocking their healing in whatever way seems appropriate. As such, this work is holistically multi modality, multi lineage and transformational. Expect to come out the other side as a new person – with a skill set that is subtle, profound and inspiring.