
To be here you are intrigued, and may wonder:
Is this for me?
All starts with SELF – all of us by now are aware there is past that needs departing, as the future is a mystery and the present is cluttered. Shall we go exploring?
You have been gifted a body
A different paradigm
We begin soul based
As a former acupuncturist, a designer, writer and teacher of acupuncture courses, a clinician using multiple facets of being to clear away what blocks healing: I know that there are almost infinite ways we can approach any situation.
Solutions come up when we open . .
To everything.
Holistic – WE ARE ALL ONE – all are/is interconnected on every level. (Who divided the bits of a body into ‘their’ territory?)
Multi modality – WE ARE ALL ONE – infinite ways of interfering with sovereignty in an attempt to override what the body chooses to be/do?
Multi lineage – We have awareness/downloads – from – where? When? Whom? Within certain traditions, there are many versions.
Multi dimensional – WE ARE ALL ONE – Over time and space.
Transformational – to change we heal – we cannot alter what we have if the instructions /lessons re intact and not uncovered.
Qi – Before physical form – we are electrical impulses – within the form we are alive due to their currency.
Body – We are here by virtue of the strength of our vehicle/temple/where we live from. Body needs fueling (nutrients) and all flows flowing – circulating to be useful to the Light that is flowing down and through – and the spirit that is here intentionally.
Alignment – All three circles, all viscera and womb as designed to be – perfect as functionality is not yet another trouble to be managed – when it all works – we are not aware of even being in a body – and can put our attention into ‘higher process’. Or stay STUCK in the physical needs/wants of a damage d mammalian structure that creates dramas – as we have not played according to the rules.
In the past – we would have learned at our mother’s lap/ knees than following her around when little.
Schooling WAS life – and we were part of a community – tribe – and had certain roles – at each stage of life.
The owner’s manuals we missed – or ignored as we were young – .now need to be followed.
The books I wrote in 2001, 2002 with the posters are now ready for you to play with.

Living As Energy – (also known as the blue book)
Inner Alchemy – 9rainbow poster)
Living In It – (also known as the red book)
Transforming Jing into Wisdom (red poster)
I became distracted by the obstetric carnage I was seeing increasing in the early 2000’s. In 2005 I wrote What Dads Can Do with videos then charts (2018) to assist those who wanted a gentler, more primal start to their baby’s life and a loving introduction into their arms
it all starts with the offerings there.
If and when I am about, I am happy to teach in person and as this is experiential and very practical, would love to . .
Where to start?
Trawl this site
Can you get to me?
Possibly in 2024 ?
if you host me – I can come to you . .
We are now in a different reality – where honesty – being at one with what is – matters.
On so many levels – we can do all of this online as when we were shut down in NZ I still ran my practical courses on Zoom – and we discovered our humanity is not constrained in boxes – we were and are free spirits.
There are teachers of this work scattered about the globe – and they may be open to taking you the beginning stages.
Through 2020 /2021/ 2022 I taught all of this online – and thus have extensive content you can work through in small study pods if you (ideally ) find a study buddy. And can experience it with each other – taking yourselves on your own journeys of discovery

AUSTRALIA – SEQ South East Queensland
November 2023
Womb centric living
Note – if you are in the advanced (past L.L.I. at least once group) and have been in the mentoring programme – the online tutorials weekly will continue, and we are still on meetups there. All that is online is part of the annual $550 you pay (dependent on what month you start) – is this amount till following year’s month as the GW training is evolving/ongoing/life is constantly surprising us with more interesting issues..
We will do the Self Discovery online for those who wish to – or repeat – later in the year. These are NON JABBED affairs as I, in the spirit of inclusivity, have taken myself to the brink – it costs me too much to pretend I am immune to whatever has been injected into those who did.
Country | Location | Date | Duration | Title | Prerequisite | Preparation | Covering | Cost |
AU | Clagiraba QLD | 25th June | 1 day ADVANCED Practitioner | Advanced Mature Women’s business | Pricklies, L.L.I | At least must work on ONE person weekly: sharing online | Working on each other via the actual womb moving/ Pricklies | $220 $110 if a prepaid member |
AU | Upper Main Arm NSW | 1 -2 July | 2 days SELF AWARENESS ENTRY LEVEL | Selfing: Putting YOU first OPTION to go deeper online with Trauma Relief/Self Discovery | Sita’s Special online package Includes all usual SELFING & Easy Pregnancy Solutions | Quizzes from online pkg submitted. Lead in FB chats (Working on the STUCK parts of self from a new perspective/shift in perceiving) | Entire maternity package PLUS FREE Yourself – Scars, PLUS What Causes Health, Belly Soothing and Peri steaming | Online $220 $220 Inperson to be paid at event $110 deposit |
Trauma Relief/Self Discovery (online immediately and led through in bonded class – online also – mid November
We discovered in the last teaching session that we all had womb related issues.
We worked out the retroverted move – it made SUCH a difference to us
Regardless of how good a session, modality, therapists works on us – we are essentially still STUCK
Especially if you have not done this in the past 6 months – it has changed focus massively, the online component is more this time, and we go wherever the class goes. All end up with a theme. The last one was luscious – as it was all over 50’s. My favourite – as all participants had maturity and have crone energy arriving/ These workshops are snot imparting info – that is the online pre class work – it is all about RELATING Come and join the party!!
Saturday/Sunday 11/12 November – Tumoulin
Birth keepers Selfing Workshop – Putting SELF first – as to assist others, we must first have filled us to the brim

Usual selfing content. (Paradigm shift)
Experiential – is dependent on who arrives
Challenge afterwards– keeping relationships forged intact, for others to keep us on task as we practice SELFING – putting self first
Selfing is the first and most practical thing any of this work gives us. We revisit the assumptions that run our lives. We look through our womb, her whispers and her concerns, as our guide. Completing this may be all you need to expand into more of you. And/or – you may wish to go onto in the treasures found within Heather’s Gentling Ways.
These are draft propositions/dates only – as a starting list
All my courses have a substantial online resource self paced section, to lead into the hands-on with each other – then the follow on after care support/mentoring. I am not sure about the fees/investment – and may ask for direction.
We are working ONLINE (massive video demos and eBooks/posters, PRACTICALLY (experiential) and after care mentoring/TUTORIALS.
NOTE – Here the paradigm shift is electric/energy not only the physical . womb centricity. Heather’s Gentling Way is NOT only womb focused as we work holistically – not biomedically focused. We aim to subtly/respectfully undo ALL that may be holding her hostage. This includes the self awareness component, the expected touch therapy AND pricklies.
Comparisions . . .
Arvigo is divided into Self Care (2.5 days), Professional Care (5.5 days) with no info on nourishing self $2500 at least
ONLY the face to face time. Course schedule Abdominal Therapy Collective (Dr Arvigo heading this) course schedule
Mizan course schedule (Originating/offshoot from Arvigo) Basic (womb focused as all are) training – $2,355 equivalent
Mercier 4 day certification programme is $2,200 with none of the online resources – eBooks, videos and stepped through demos
Heather’s Gentling Ways is for those who want to make a change and do not need to be ‘licensed’ to touch
We who are called to be here.

Reconnecting Heart and Womb Space – we work on what has STUCK us in placed that are not comfy – physically and energetically and emotionally and aurically. This started as the Bao Mai – heart to womb space and grew into all the digestive as well as the fascial and connective tissue distress – visceral placement and untangling the adhesions and scars that hold us STUCK (another name for trauma).

Effective Healing After C sections/any surgical/life incursions – anything that has stopped us in our tracks

Living Ligaments – the womb work – we must clear what holds her hostage FIRST and here we are – belly and pelvic clearances

AUSTRALIA – FNQ – Far North Queensland
November/December DRAFT – To be completed.. .
Country | Location | Date | Duration | Title | Prerequisite | Preparation | Covering | Cost |
AU | YOUR PLACE | as soon as you can start | How long you wish – all self paced | |||||
AU | Tumoulin FNQ | 11/12th November | 2 Days SELF AWARENESS ENTRY LEVEL | Selfing: Putting YOU first OPTION to go deeper online with Trauma Relief/Self Discovery | Gentling Way Beginner’s package online | Online tutorial engagement Quizzes from online packages submitted | Working on the STUCK parts of self from a new perspective/shift in perceiving | $550 Repeaters $330 |
AU | Tumoulin FNQ | 18-20th November Proposed dates | 3 Days DEEPER: Practitioner Level | Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace | Reconnecting and Pricklies – First Aid package online | Ongoing Challenge participation Quizzes submitted | Clear emotional & visceral, incl gut, adhesion, scar, fascial, sacral blockages | $550 Repeaters $330 |
AU | Tumoulin FNQ | 4-9th December | 3 Days ADVANCED To become Practitione | Living Ligaments I | online Leading into L.L.I. Pricklies package | Practical work Quizzes from online packages submitted | Womb Woes to Womb Wonders Realign womb positioning | $1650 Repeaters $550 |
Lisa Levine is here to assist in the week 4-9th December . . .MORE COMING ON THIS
Living Ligaments 2 & 3 (reproduction/teaching). – hosted by ME – Tumoulin – out of Ravenshoe.
October – (last weekend of)advanced sessions with those continuing on graduates – who may then teach these units.
November filling in what was started online. You must have a ‘nodding’ acquaintance with the content – to be tweaked into embodying it in the classes. Expect deeply transformative sessions with each other.
The new class – repeaters are very welcome – I have yet to put this past the potential participants to see if content and timing is possible.
Remember . . .