What is Gentling?

A system of accepting and working with/through the layers of being to allow the true essence and spirit to flow through.

1 – WHOLE person focused. The physical body is under the guidance of Qi – energy. As such, when we move what is blocking the flow of Qi and thus blood, lymph and nerve supplies – all that is STUCK can shift. One major blockage is emotional stagnation – trauma. Is being STUCK. When what is holding that energy in paralysis moves – all works as designed again. No pain (body warning) – anywhere!
2 – Gentle. As the body lets go when feeling safe. As it remembers everything that has ever happened to it, this may be a surprise. Your consciousness may not be aware – although the body keeps the score. This may well be why all you have tried to date ‘has not worked’. Body held hostage. This blockages, usually creates warnings that you may be aware f and do not like Numbing these only encourages more blockages. Apparent helpers (‘professional’/biomedical in any form – assistance – who are NOT clearing the reasons for the STUCK that keeps you not flowing, may not know that their skills are not needed – yet. YOU are the one holding the healing back, Feeling safe to do so is the trick. Hence we gentle. . When we have all the tools in place. Hence we are multi modality. The body needs best ingredients.
3 – Nutrition – covering hydration first – we all ‘live’ within an inner sea and this needs – as the flow of water in and out of a house – to be abundant and pure, to allow the wastes out and the ‘good stuff’ to circulate supporting life. The food we consume to fuel, repair and develop all that is in our blueprint needs to be of the best quality: ideally grown naturally, as nature was, in season, and consumed in a state and temperature that the body easily accepts and thus uses.

Gentling is also a state of mind – we all can slow down and let our lives flow.

Where did it come from?

Gentling is the culmination of Heather’s decades of standing listening as a natural health detective, working as a practical clinician, encompassing all that allows the basics of life to flourish.

Gentling originated through Heather’s curiosity – when her expectations in clinic: things that were supposed to work/had worked in the past did not. Answering a burning question – ‘Why not?’

Gentling Incorporates:

1 – Awareness of there being more than the human consciousness at play in all things.

2 – Natural rhythms of life – through the seasons of a day, a month, a year,  a life

3 – Classical acupuncture – knowing we are made from directed in/with Light and energy bodies, grids and  pathways, auric, nadis. Clearing their blockages to flow.

Based upon 5 Principles

  • Body heals itself (when allowed to)
  • Flows have to flow
  • Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it
  • Energy follows thought
  • Structure determines function

Read more about the Gentling concepts
(We are all of the Light – and may have forgotten)

Healing is about change

All flows in health and homeostasis ensures BALANCE . .  .
When anything is STUCK, stagnation (pain), through festering (inflammation) towards inactivity – MORE stuck/pain – eventual decline

Moving Blockages to healing – in any order

  • Upset/in shock/holding on as we have forgotten how to live in clarity – clear.
  • Cold – maybe you have it stored all through your body. (Warmth is comforting). Living maybe in a women’s body – you will need to heed what all culture’s elder’s said: stay away from the cold. Ice is NOT your friend. .
  • Unhelpful thoughts shame, guilt – judgments/past beliefs of ‘reality’..
  • 1 – Sexual conditioning  as we all live in a real LIFE not a theory from a textbook –
  • 2 – Bio medicine – NOT our own innate wisdoms. In its place biomedicine is helpful in crisis. Traditionally LIFE allows people knew to live with Nature and her flows.
  • 3 – Pharmacology – again – maybe helpful temporarily – until we reassert natural. We must live with, not against nature.
  • 4 – ‘Research’ – lived experience. Does it work? Now? For me? These are questions that must be answered. Innate knowings will resurface.
  • 5 – Personal discreditation – inner self talk – leading into “What would I know”/”I’m not good enough”.
  • 6 – Rules that serve others. Especially what is to break your own sovereignty – in all forms

Life residue. The inner library of woes – above were more emotional/belief STORAGE CHALLENGES.
Your body also collects hits, incidents, and blockages to flows. Scars to clog and remind you of past transgressions.
On the skin – from surgery, falls, accidents – and deeper within to create adhesions that can gum you up.

You no longer need to be bound in hostage mode. Liberate life flows.
May I interest you in a small introductory ‘gentle yourself better’ online course (small segments, all delicious releases) to free the blockages?

Let us set ourselves FREE

Want to get started in to your new way of being?

Possibly of all you took as ‘truth’ – following what you have so far has got you to here ..

Maybe change is needed?

What might be more scary than staying STUCK?

Shall we begin?

Where? The Selfing course Online – easy stepping you through at your own pace
What Causes Health
Soothing – your belly your gut, you hands – your future life ease (and that of your loved ones – as YOU can show them how to calm /settle themselves easily also.
Peristeaming – WHAT! All ages, stages of life – children and men – A delicious undoing bring you back to balance

All of this work begins with US
What we are held back (STUCK) by life residue – shall we move it on?

I am on a mission to assist those who wish to change. We start with US.
This bundle of online self paced courses covers so many aspects of the paradigm shift you may need to take to take charge of yourself.
Usually sold only as the Selfing package, I have added in several more for you to get started.

Your hands, Your intention and your LIFE
As a past acupuncture course designer and teacher, I have it all laid out for you to enjoy learning
The usual Selfing online classes are $US 50 less than usual – plus you have extras. . .
Free Your Qi and Being Woman, and Free Your Scars PLUS the Healing Power of Touch – when you have completed all of these – you may wish to go on – into the body work – Foundational Moves that revolutionalised my clinical practice -and /or the LIFE essentials – how to live well with your food factory /gut , what to eat and why and where real nutrients are to be found.
Selfing is the beginning – really the initiation into being woman – and in service as those who find themselves here will have been calledYour habds, our intention and your life. .