Easy Fertility

The Gentling Way practitioners know that fertility is a measure of health

They do NOT support IVF or ICSI or IUI attempts until all other avenues have been exhausted.
The couple is the focus. Women coming in by themselves to make babies cannot happen.
It is a family expedition back to natural easy babies.

We can help you make your own children at home . . as humans have always.
A healthy pregnancy easily naturally conceived, from robust and vibrant parents-to-be ensures you the best foundation for the architecture that will be the entire life of your child.
We all start climbing any ladder at the bottom.
Ask yourself . ..

Is your health and your relationship foundation solid?

When all else fails – you may eventually need to be artificial intervention.
BUT – have all steps been taken? This is NOT a medical venture – but a life one. Yours and your children’s.

Be aware – all people grew their own food and knew the rules Nature has in place to ensure only the best thrive.

Your natural health carer can make that choice – as you do not have the markers of wellness sufficient to guide you. The medical teams are surgery based – using agents to chemically force without paying heed to what messages the body is saying.

Your body warnings (endometriosis and poor sperm quality) are constantly being ignored and overruled in the hurry to make a pregnancy happen. Why not ask – what quality baby/pregnancy and life for all of us are we forcing through?

What sort of baby do you want?

Once made, the child can only be as good as the parents-to be’s health was at the time – we care – do you?
Your choices now totally influence this.

You may well regret not getting this step right first.
Start with trusting nature.
Undo what is disturbing nature.

Maybe ask yourself – Is quality assured when the garden (mum’s baby nest) and the seeds (his sperm and your egg beginnings) are not attended to first?


You may wish to ask yourselves.


What sort of family life may we expect if we break nature?
Or our maternal bond, or the baby?
Why is there such a push to hurry?

Why are we ignoring what Nature is currently saying ‘no’ to?
Choosing to buy a phone, a car or a house site – we don’t ‘try’ – we make sure we do the best . .

Why are we TRYING to make a baby – any baby?
Do we understand that sex is for making babies and as it is not with us now – something is wrong?
Why are we not listening to Nature’s present ‘no’ on baby making?
What sort of shambles do we wish to maybe get into when we deviate from the path Nature sets out for us?
Parenthood is the most responsible path you will ever step onto.
It is NOT only about you.

For her

  • Am I really well enough work as I do AND make the best baby possible?
  • What sort of maternal adventure do I want?

For him

  • Can I do better?
  • Do I really believe I am as healthy as I can be to make the very best start for my children?
  • Is 4% (the apparently visually normal bench mark as a fertile’ marker – really a what I want my children to start from?


After Heather’s near 4 decades assisting couples to become families – naturally all Gentling Way practitioners have had their own maternal journeys and may have lived through what you are currently battling. Hopelessness is only there without answers.

Let us help you find your unique answers.

The Natural Fertility Detective Programme is also here for you.

Why skimp?

You may need . . .
To put in at least a year into preparation (your age is a very rough indication of quality and in all Heather’s work – it shows that this is easily reversed – naturally – when you change what you care doing in your life – far more than taking herbs /supplements or showing up for passive appointments with acupuncturists etc) is need for this. – and then a reproductive centre that is actually quality focused.

You also may not – the flows ma need realigning.”Heather is a Mercier and an Arvigo/Maya trained fertility and pregnancy worker in addition to being an international teacher of acupuncturists on the subject. Her own style of Moving Blockages is being used successfully in many clinics all over the world

Too much heartache is happening.

To alleviate this and the birthing catastrophes, we are woman and nature centred.

Being baby-friendly is as simple as not breaking Nature.

Your body can heal itself.

Let us show you how.

See a Gentling Way worker.