Antakarana meditation

We are here having an experience in form.

We are more than this mammalian wrapper

A large part of the Gentling Method is to connect with our Soul Star.

Please let this do the work of undoing the personality cage – to undo the story that we may be aware of – and maybe not.
In any course I run – we make sure to ground ourselves, to allow the Silver Thread/Cord – our Antakarana to widen – with much help from the vibrational helpers that are called upon. To initiate this process at home –

Maybe invest in my meditation tracks?
Calm to sleep and to let go  .

Free access to the two guided mediation tracks here (CLICK)

Usually we have no idea which distortion is holding an imbalance ‘online’. I have discovered that starting slowly and gradually letting the body tell its story may work when all other interventions – including other energy workers, acupuncture and many good intentions may have not.

Undoing the personality story features large in this work.


Often these patterns are set. Focusing on, and treating ‘the problem’ as you see it – not the person whose learning is held within the ‘stuff that is so uncomfortable may be why you are still seeking assistance. Maybe look here (CLICK)